Chapter Forty-Eight

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Laying in my bed I toss and turn. Anxious and annoyed. I'm going to get a nightmare, I can feel it. Noal and Evan guarding my door and balcony from the outside. I've got no escape. I don't want them in here so they've taken it upon themselves to watch over me. Even if I felt like I could trick them I imagine Daniels got guards with them aswell.

My hearts racing in my chest. The sun barely having set. There isn't much do to in here though. The books all suck. If I had something to draw or paint with I might have been able to ignore my bed. Unfortunately I wasn't so lucky. Unless I was willing to read another book sleeping was all I could do. I'd spent the past 5 hours reading them, none of them catching my interest. I'd forced myself to read the first chapter of every single one. It was the biggest waste of my time. All they'd accomplished was making me tired.

"You could have gotten me a TV atleast. This is worse than prison." I scoff, link Ally. Putting my wall up again so she can't respond.

Jumping off my bed I pace my room. Trying to think of something, anything I could do to distract myself. Every step I took my anger at Noal and Evan was growing. I wanted revenge. Not like killing them or anything but something.. something that would drive them crazy like they were doing to me.

The light from my bathroom catches my eyes and I smirk. Checking my bedroom door knob making sure it's locked. Walking over to my windows and balcony to make sure they're locked aswell. If I'm locked in, stleast they're locked out.

Stepping into the bathroom I open the blinds. Smirking down at Noal below. I tap my knuckles on the glass catching his attention. Trying my best at a seductive smile I tug his shirt off. Reaching behind me and freeing myself from my bra. Letting the straps fall down my arms. Noal crossing his arms over his chest while he stares up at me. His muscles flexing, causing my core the clench. Noal smirks up at me and I smile back. Snapping the blinds shut.

"You could let me out and follow through with your promise to stand by my side. If not that's going to be the last time you see me like that." I link him.

Chuckling back Noal links me. "That mark on your neck guarantees it won't be."

Grumbling I push my shorts down and kick them across the room. Turning on the bath and testing the water until I like the temperature. Once I've got it set I pour in some bubble bath. Scanning the room for an elastic or something to keep up my hair. Spotting a clear canister on my counter, filled with different hair elastics and clips I frown. When did this get here? Deciding it doesn't matter I grab one quickly before returning to the tub. Piling my hair onto of my head, clipping it in place.

Sliding into the half filled tub I sigh. Exhaustion lowering my lids. The water soothing and relaxing my tense muscles. I close my eyes, trying to forget everything and just enjoy it.

And darkness takes over.

"Wake up!" A voice yells in my head.

My eyes shooting open I jump up. Expecting water to be pouring out of the tub around me. Except now I'm in bed. Frowning I fist the blanket and throw it off of me. Jumping out of bed my brows furrow glancing down at the nightgown I'm wearing. Did someone take me out of the bath? Or had I gotten out myself? I must have gotten out myself. Noal or Evan would have put their own clothes on me. I had to have been more exhausted then I'd thought.

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