Chapter Sixty-One

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That lying scheming bitch. Throwing a chair at the bars I let Tala growl loudly, the sound echoing down the isles filling the empty space of the prison. My aloneness evident when the sound vibrates back to me, not a peep heard in return. The only thing meeting my hear the rasp of my own screams. My throat was raw and it burned but I couldn't keep the screams in.

I've never been more furious in my life. I'd trusted her! Picking up the bucket at my feet I chuck it at the wall, dodging as it bounces back towards me. "Ahhhhhh!" I screech.

The feeling in my stomach was gone now, and I hate myself even more then I hate Ally for not taking it more seriously. I'd shoved it down, tried to ignore it, when really I should have run. It was the same feeling I'd gotten at the hotel, the one that told me not to go through that side door. I'd felt it since we arrived and I was blinded by my own need for a mother. I wanted a normal relationship, I'd yearned for a mother and her love. I guess that's what I get for trusting her. I should have known better after what Cody had done to me.

"Let me out. Let me out." I plead, tears falling down my cheeks, my chin quivering as I cried.

Sinking down to the floor on my knees I weep into my hands. My cries falling on deaf ears. Ally was gone. She'd locked me in here and wasn't going to let me out. Goddess only knew how long that would be.

"Can you hear me?" I try to link Evan, but as I push my words to him they only return back to me. I'm truely alone, locked away with nobody to hear my cries for help.

Crawling across the floor I pull myself up into the small cot. Tugging the thin blanket over me as my body shakes with emotions I'd thought I'd never feel again. Cody's betrayal hurt more then anything I'd ever felt up until now. This, the way my heart was being torn from my chest, nothing could compare to this.

I should have known not to trust anyone ever again. Cody had proven that to me. Yet my stupid brain let me believe I could trust them. I thought she was diffrent, I thought they were all diffrent. I was wrong, and once I got out of here, if I ever did, I was never going to trust anyone ever again.

Self loathing anchored itself inside of me. I didn't believe in myself and my own body and that's why I was in here. I was an idiot to think I was smart enough to take on Alpha Anderson and the others. I needed to be better then this.

Vowing to myself never to do that again I slap myself back to reality. Sucking back my tears, wiping them away with my palms I sat up in the bed. There had to be a way out of here. My hands in my hair I slide my fingers down, cupping the back of my neck as I scanned the room.

A small shelf on my right filled with baskets I pull them all down. Laying them infront of me I looked through everything. Food, books, coloring supplies, clothing, basic hygiene products and a portable DVD played with a few movies.

Snatching the pink sweatshirt I tug it on. It wasn't my style, not even close, but it would work as a barrier if I bumped into the bars. Digging through the basket full of hygiene products I use the big claw clip and put my hair up. Examining the rest, deodorant, tooth paste, toothbrush, hair brush, elastics, and bobbypins.

Tapping the cardboard package of bobbypins against my hand I sigh in defeat. This was useless, I was stuck here until someone decided to let me out.

Hearing the sound of metal clanking together and footsteps I jump to my feet. Rushing towards the bars and pressing my sleeves into the silver, resting my face against the cool fabric to peer down the isle of prison cells. "Hello?" I hollar. "Are you going to let me out or just piss me off Mother?" I growl. The footsteps stopping, making me cringe. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

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