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Part One

One year later


Lounging in a rocking chair on the back deck, I tucked my glass of juice into my chest. The sun setting behind the trees, I admire the pinks and purples in the sky. The lights Evan had installed along the paths surrounding the pack flicker on, and I groan. Eight o'clock, dinners on the table, and I'm late, again.

Preparing myself for the lecture I'm about to receive, I take a couple of deep breaths before pushing myself up out of the chair. Searching for my sandles, I spot them under my chair and slide them on before turning for the screen door.

My eyes meet Evan's and my shoulders sag. "I didn't mean to, I lost track of time. I'm coming."

Shaking his head, Evan smiles. Pushing open the door for me, I duck under his arm. "I need to get you a watch." He mumbles.

"No. You need to check in with the school tomorrow. Mrs. Brown said the gymnasium needs.. I can't remember. Make sure you go there first thing tomorrow, though, okay? I told her I'd go, but I forgot I'd already told Mom and Dad I'd go with them to get some photos. Mom wants to do this whole collage mural thing for the room at their place. Also, Claire told me that a couple of the lights are out on the east side. Before you do that, you should probably see what Owen needs for the new temporary housing units. I told him I'd deal with it, but he.." I ramble, walking down the hall.

"I've got it. Stop worrying. It's not good for you in your condition." Evan cuts me off.

Scowling, I pick up my pace. Stomping my feet along the way. "My condition? I'm not dying, you know. You did this. You and that no good.."

"Little one." Evan growls low. His hands wrap around my shoulders and pull my back into his chest. "Calm down."

Dragging his fingers up and down my bare arms, sparks start to run through my body. Tala purring so strong I can feel my chest vibrate. "You don't play fair." I groan, leaning my head back against his chest, forcing my glass into his hand.

Taking my drink, Evan drops his hands from my skin and winks at me. "If you eat everything on your plate tonight, I'll give you a massage later."

Scoffing, I punch his shoulder. "I'm not a child. You can't bribe me."

Crossing my arms, I push past Evan and waddle my way towards the dinningroom. Laughter and conversation flowing out of the room. Pushing one of the french doors open, I smile.

Claire and Eylse huddled in the corner together with Hailey. Eylse throws her arm around Hailey's shoulder and kisses her forehead. Claire rolls her eyes and turns, spotting me.

Waving at her, Claire walks around the room towards me. Evan shouldering his way past me. I flip his back the finger, Claire bursting out laughing. "Watch out! Preggers is pissed."

Shooting daggers at her with my eyes, I lean against the door. "Remind me why we're friends?"

Grinning, Claire wraps her arms around my head. "Oh, come on. It's funny."

Grumbling, I pushed her arms away, and Ally slipped between us and rubbed at my stomach. "You hungry? I made sure Penelope brought out some rolls."

Placing my hand over one of Ally's, I sigh. "I'm fine, Mom. I ate like an hour ago."

"She's lying. She ate one banana at six." Noal pipes in.

Moving past Ally and Claire, I look around and spot him sitting at the table. "Stop tracking what I'm eating."

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