Chapter Nineteen

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Sitting down at a large table an elderly lady grins ear to ear setting food on the table. The beta sitting across from me. Evan and Noal at my sides. He still hasn't given us his name, which felt rude and like a power play. Forcing us to call him beta when speaking to him.

So I haven't talked at all.

Owen and Phillip stood behind us, probably feeling as on edge as I did, if not more. Althea said my family was here. Owen and Phillip didn't have any other reason to be here but me. If my family wasn't here we were screwed. Noal gently rubbed his thumb across my thigh trying to calm me and I let him, but the way his foot bounced under the table tells me he's nervous too.

Only one of us that looked completely calm and that was Evan, as he sat there eating a chocolate chip muffin. At ease as he ate in silence. Obviously having more trust in Althea than we did. Believing we're in the right place. I guess that's just who he is though. Once he trusts someone he never doubts them. 

My stomach growled and I ignored it. Evan frowning over at me and snatching another muffin and putting it in front of me. Pushing it away he pushes it back towards me.

Scowling, I push it away again and he breaks off a piece of the muffin top. Shoving it towards my face I slap his hand away. "Stop, Evan."

"Eat it!" He snaps.

Opening my mouth he goes to place it between my lips and I shoot forward, biting his finger. Letting go with a smile on my face. Evan cussing and shaking out his hand.

The man across the table chuckling. "Stubborn mates, am I right?" He holds up his glass at Evan.

Noal growling low beside me. I place my hand over his. Turning my eyes towards him and bumping my knee into his. "I don't think I'm stubborn either."

Snorting, Noal picks up the rest of the muffin and takes a bite. Chewing and swallowing before pressing it to my lips. Taking a small bite from the muffin he sets it back down infront of me. "No, not at all." Noal smirks.

Phillip and Evan laugh as the man stares at us confused.

A door swinging open catches our attention and a man storms in. Black hair and eyes finding me instantly, and he rushes towards me. Noal and Evan shooting up and knocking back their chairs. "Don't come any closer." Noal growls.

"You don't know who I am?" The man looks down at me. Shock turning to sadness in his eyes.

Shaking my head, I frown. Trying to look over his features but stuck on his eyes. The same darkness I've seen in my own eyes when I look in the mirror.

"Ally's going to have my nuts. You link her yet?" The man asks, never taking his eyes off me.

Looking down at the short haired man across from me he responds. "She's on her way. I didn't tell her. You're on your own from here. I don't want to be here when she erupts." Pushing his chair back he smiles down at me. "It's nice seeing you again."

My eyebrows shoot to my hairline as I watch him turn and leave, not closing the door behind him. These people must not care about bugs or the air conditioning bill.

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