Chapter Seventy Six

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My head snaps left and right, bouncing between Ally and Daniel, the two of them facing off their own wolves. Looking at Daniel, I spot Trevor running our way and almost sigh with relief. I can't help them both at the same time. I didn't want to have to decide.

I had to keep myself busy, though, or I'd think about what I'd just done. Pacing between everyone I keep watch on things. I'm checking for any other wolves that might be coming and take a deep breath smelling the air.

Tala's so calm, it's discomforting. I'm so wired, my adrenaline running high. I feel like I've had way too much coffee, my heart racing, my stomach fluttering, my heightened senses. It's all a lot of take in. Yet Tala's doing is beautifully.

Watching over my parents, I ready myself incase either need my help. Daniel is doing well, and Ally seems to have it under control. I feel useless in the moment, and I am a little glad.  I'm  because I wasn't sure I had it in me to keep hurting and killing people. I know logically what we're doing is right, but it doesn't feel right at all.

Trevor shifts in front of me, and I cover my eyes. "I-i don't know what to do. Who to help." I blubber.

Sighing, Trevor grabs onto my elbows. "Help yourself. Help us. Say it's okay for us to kill them, Adira." His eyes hold compassion and annoyance all at the same time.

"I already did kill. I killed. I didn't.. I didn't want to, but I did. I had to. If they have to.. if they need to, I understand, but I don't want my fath.. I don't want Cody dead." I stammer, holding his gaze.

The sound of Daniel's victory rings my ears as he howls, and my mind turns to Ally. My eyes searching for her, I tear myself from Trevor's hands one I find her.

Her body laying on the grass, the wolf shed been fighting, submitting to Daniel as he stood tall over top of him.  I rush to her side, dropping to my knees. "Ally! Ally! Please. Please get up!" I scream.

Rolling ger onto her back, Ally let's out a groaning sound. "Stop yelling. I'll be fine. Help Daniel help him bring the alpha to the dungeon. I'm okay." She grimaced, gritting her teeth as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. Grabbing at her shoulder, she looks towards something behind me, and I turn my gaze to Trevor. "Help me put this back in place, Gregg needs us to help him find Noal." She groans.

"Find Noal? No, I'm going with you." I say, helping her get up off the ground.

Shaking her head, Ally sighs. "You'll want to go with Daniel. Trust me. Go."

The seriousness written on her face and stern tone leave no room for arguing. Frowning, I passed her to Trevor and turned towards Daniel.

Still towering over the other wolf, he starts backing him up. Shifting, Tala relaxes. Making our way to Daniel's side, we meet his eyes, and he juts out his snout. Telling me without words to get on the other side of the wolf.

Like we'd done this many times before we move seamlessly, guiding the wolf to the cell, he'll be locked in. I wasn't sure why they were letting this man live, but I was glad. I could tell he was powerful, strong and reeking with dominance. Yet somehow, Daniel had got them to submit.

My heart starts to race, and Tala's mood flips. Excitement, joy, and love filling her heart. I could smell him before I saw him. Evan, standing tall over Kay and Elyse. Their conversation animated and louder than their words, arguing about something I couldn't hear over Talas squeals.

Evan's eyes turn to Daniel and I first, and he ends their conversation. Pushing the two girls aside, he makes space for Daniel and I to lead the wolf inside.

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