Chapter Sixty-five

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Sitting down on the edge of my bed I twirl a stray string unraveling from the seem of my shirt. The sound of water cascading down glass and bouncing off flesh telling me Evan's still in there. Every drop of water prolonging my heart wrenching sadness. His silence deafening. I don't think he knows how hard it was for me. How much I hated hiding the truth from him. How every minute I was gone I thought of him and Noal and how much Tala whined for them. I know it's not the same but it's got to mean something. Evan's always been the understanding one. I'd expected something like this from Noal, not Evan.

Staring down at the thin piece of string I wrap it around my finger, tugging it free from the hem of my shirt. Bringing it up in front of me I tug on both sides of the thread. It's short and useless, unimportant in its entirely yet now I've ruined Noal's shirt. The hem is going to unravel until it's garbage and it's going to be my fault. All my fault.

The showers shut off and I drop the string to the floor. Jumping off the bed and shaking out my hands I glance towards the bathroom door. Tala's anxiety mirroring my own. Fiddling with my fingers I bite down on the corner of my bottom lip.

I can hear every step, every breath, the sound of shuffling and Evan drying off. I can almost picture it. The way he rubs the towel around his head to dry his hair. How he pats his face with one corner of the towel before wiping down his chest and then legs. Evan tossing it on top of the hamper. The way his feet hit the marble floor as he walks to the sink. I can imagine it all and every sound he makes tells me I'm spot on. I'd seen him do it so many times it brings me comfort he still does it the same, even when he's mad at me.

Making my way to the door my hand hovers over the knob. My fingers hesitating to wrap themselves around the copper handle. Before I never would have thought twice about walking in there, now I'm not only second guessing myself but triple guessing aswell. Should I even be in my room when he's done? Will it make him feel like I've invaded his space? Should I just leave him alone until he comes to me?

He knows I'm here. He knows I'm home. He knows I've tried speaking to him. Am I pushing him to far? Maybe I should give him space...

Pulling my hand away I spin on my heels. Rushing out of the room as quietly and fast as I can. Shutting the door behind me slowly I sigh once it clicks in place. Running down the stairs and freezing in place when I catch sight of Claire kissing Elyse.

My eyes gaze across the room for Kay and I frown when I don't see her anywhere in sight. Turning to look into the dinning room my eyebrows pull together. Clearing my throat the two separate and Claire let's out an odd sounding moan.

"Nope, definitely not you." Elyse mumbles, her eyes turning to me. I could see the sadness in them. Did she think Claire was her mate? Claire isn't even one of us, that's ridiculous. "I'll link Kay to come back if you're done." Elyse shrugs, throwing herself down on the couch pulling a pillow into her lap.

Shaking my head my mouth gapes. My eyes flickering up the stairs and back down at the two girls on the couch. "No... I... I'm going to talk to my... to Daniel." I stutter.

Claire laughs, rolling onto her back. "Oh calm down, if I could mate a wolf it would be you Addy. Daniel's still in there." She points towards his office door. "I can take Elyse for a walk, see is she smells anyone else she wants to kiss."

Glancing at Elyse my eye brows pinch closer together. "Huh?"

Shrugging, Elyse grins. "She smells good. Your mates supposed to smell good, right?"

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