Chapter Seven

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My eyebrows knit together and I look up at Tanner as he grins towards Evan. What game is he playing? Whatever it is cannot be good.

Tanner's never been rude to me, but I've seen how he acts with everyone at school. Whatever he's planning for Evan in his head isn't going to be nice. The twinkle in his eye screams mischief.

Tala purrs inside of me at the thought of karma hitting Evan in front of us. He was rude to us. A small part of me cheers up thinking he deserves whatever's coming.

A bigger part of me doesn't want Cammy getting upset. Evans her brother, if he gets into it with Trevor she's going to have some type of negative feelings.

I think so at least. Isn't that how siblings work?

Watching Evan walk closer, only a few steps away I think about what I should do.

Cammy and Evan argued this morning. Would she be on his side even after todays fight? Will she even get involved? Will she care?

Tanner's the Alpha Anderson's son. If I don't stand by him it might reflect badly on my father and I. There could be serious repercussions, especially if it gets physical.

Tanner's hand gripping my shoulder tighter and I force a smile to me face. His nose pressing back into my hair. I can smell the lingering odor of smoke on him. "Play along, pup." He whispers.

Peaking up at him I nod slightly. He might not be alpha yet but he's still higher up than I am. Whatever he says is law, and I have to follow.

Whatever happens now at least I can say it wasn't my fault. I didn't have a choice. I can't really say that to Cammy if she gets mad, however it does ease my mind.

If I lose a friend tonight over this I know I can make another. Cammy, Claire and Faith have shown me that.

Biting down on my bottom lip I force myself not to frown. My face void of any other emotion than indifference.

Evan's black boots step right infront of me, te to toe as he stares down into my eyes. They flicker back and forth like he can read my mind. Like he's having his own nonverbal conversation with me without my participation.

A slight tug pulls on the corner of his lip as he steps back. His gaze never leaving me as he stretches out a hand to Tanner. "Evan."

Stepping closer into Tanner I drop my eyes from Evan, wanting them off of me. I watch as they shake hands. Tanner squeezing hard making Evan chuckle. Evan's laugh stops and a second later I hear Tanner groan. Tanner's hand gripping my shoulder tighter, the pain sudden and sharp. I bite down harder on my lip to stop myself from responding to the pain.

"I found papers!" Gavin cheers running our way.

Gavin saving me from a dislocated shoulder by interrupting the pissing match. Tanner's hand loosens up and his thumb rubs back and forth on the soar flesh.

Evan's smirk falls as he watches Gavin join us. Gavin's hand wrapping around my shoulder pulling me from Tanner. The look Gavin passes Tanner doesn't go unnoticed. "Here, you roll."

Gavin pulls me into him and I wince as my shoulder touches his side. Inhaling a deep breath and letting it out. I push away the pain.

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