Chapter Twenty-Six

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Sitting at the dinning room table I couldn't help but peer at Daniel, sitting by himself in the livingroom. Ally banishing him from the table. She sat in his chair at the head of the table. Xale and I at her sides. Noal at my left, his hand massaging my thigh.

Everyone seemed cheerful. Either ignoring what happened earlier or unaware. Aside from Xale and Conal the rest of my brothers were at school. Gregg, Trevor, Kelly, and two other men who I didn't meet last night joined us.

From the glances Gregg shot the one I could tell there was bad blood, yet no one said anything. They'd introduced themselves as Marcus and Andre, Gamma and his mate.

Noal relaxed at the admission. Ally clasping her hands and telling us all to dig in. May and Penelope sat with us this time. Everyone making jokes and talking about different things going on around the pack.

It felt nice being around so many close knit people. Ally making it her mission to pull me in. Everyone acting as if it was normal I was there. Like I'd always been here. I felt accepted by everyone, except Daniel.

My mind wandering to earlier I frown to myself. I can't believe how bold I was. I was typically never like this. Tala was loving the change and I had to admit it did feel good. Better than when I used to keep quiet. With it came consequences though.

Although I was sure Ally would stick by my side, I wasn't sure how long it would take Daniel to snap. He was bound to soon enough. Noal and I, Ally not letting him near her, the fighting. His wolf has to be chopping at the bit by now. I wasn't sure a third yelling match was a good idea. I hoped it never happened.

"The other Warrior's want to meet you guys." Xale clears his throat, setting down his glass of water. Pushing his plate away and leaning back in his chair. Pulling me from my thoughts.

"Where are they from?" Phillip pipes up.

Cale waves his hand through the air. "All over. They've been running for awhile. Mom let them join last week. They've never been anywhere longer than a couple weeks before. They're worried about hunters. They've got a couple daughters." He shrugs. "Who knows, they could be your mates."

Owen stands from his chair and stretches, a grin on his face. Noal chuckling at him. "Lead the way good Sir."

Noal's hand squeezes my thigh and I meet his eyes. "You done eating?"

Nodding, I pick up my plate. "Are you?"

Frowning, he nods slightly and I grab his too. Pushing back in my chair and getting up. Feeling Noal follow close behind me as I walk to the kitchen. Clean despite the large breakfast, May must have run a tight ship.

Putting our plates in the sink I wash them quickly. Placing them on the drying rack on the counter. Noal's hands slide around me, his hand roaming under my shirt. "You look good doing that." He groans.

Chuckling, I turn in his arms and he lifts me onto the counter. "Doing dishes? I should punch you for that. Kinda sexist if you ask me."

Kissing me Noal shuts me up, and my hands settle in his hair, tugging on the strands lightly. The kiss comforting and soft. Different from all the other ones we've shared. It made my heart flutter.

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