Chaoter Seventy Nine

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"You sure you want to go there and tell them all? Maybe we could just send for Ally and Daniel." Margaret asks for the tenth time this morning.

Meeting her eyes in the mirror, I sigh. Shifting in the chair, the omega doing my hair slaps at my hand when I try to touch my curls. "You'll ruin it. The pack gifted you this, and they need to see it on you."

Groaning, I fold my hands in my lap. "I don't see why this is necessary. I'm leaving, I won't even be here for a couple of days. It's not like I'm going to wear it there."

"You said you were serious about this. We talked. This is what you wanted. There's no going back now." Margaret groans. "I knew we should have waited. You can't go back on this, Adira. You have a responsibility now. You wanted a fresh start, and this is it. You said this was what you wanted."

Biting down on the corner of my bottom lip, I nod. "And I haven't changed my mind. I just don't think this suits me, who I want to be."

Shrugging, Margaret twirls her hair. "I think you're just scared to tell them what you've done."

"No. No, that's not it. I'm not scared of them. I'm just nervous, and this thing isn't helping." I point to my head.

Waving the omega aside, Margaret wraps her arms around my shoulders. Her cheek pressing into mine. "I think it suits you. You're gorgeous, Adira. You're perfect, and now nobody can deny it." Smiling, she steps back and holds her hand out for me.

Turning in the chair, I place my hand in hers, and she helps me up. "It would be faster if we shifted and ran there."

"Maybe so, but we're taking the car. Don't worry, Kay will follow us. Quinn will stay behind and take care of things while we're gone." Margaret waves me off. Her heels are clicking on the tiled floor as she leaves my new room, her old room. "Hold your head high. You're not just their daughter anymore."

Rolling my eyes, I pick up the hem of my dress. Margaret insisted I look my best. I don't think she understands. The dress, the tiara, and heels are not me. This is her, and I don't think I'll ever change. I'd be so much more comfortable in sweats or jeans, anything else.

Tala couldn't disagree more. She's loving every second of this. The respect, the newfound power. Tala's so happy it's annoying. I've only felt her this happy when Noal and Evan marked me.

Thoughts of them take over, and my heart starts to race. Are they still at the green moss pack? Are they waiting for me?

I can feel Tala start to get sad and shove my emotions down. Clearing my throat and smiling at the omega. "Thank you. Please tell Quinn I said you can have the rest of today off."

Bowing her head, I walk past her and run after Margaret. My ankles wobbling slightly, I straighten myself and slow down. "Who's driving? Can I?" I hollar.

Giggling, Margaret continues down the stairs. "No. We will need protection. Our driver is highly trained in combat. She volunteered, and she's excited to meet you."

Crinkling my nose, I grip the railing and walk down the stairs. "And I'd love to meet her and everyone else, but why do we need to involve more people in this?"

"Get used to it. Just shut up and smile." Margaret grins, stopping and waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. Her hand stretched out, waiting for mine.

"Like this?" Stretching my lips wide, I show as many teeth as I can. 

Taking my hand, Margaret squeezes my fingers. "Less teeth. Be yourself, but appear calm. They can't see you stressed."

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