Chapter Twenty-Three

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Sitting in the back with Ally I twirl my hair inbetween my fingers. Watching Evan and Noal sitting upfront. Listening to the radio playing.

"Do you have an elastic on you, Evan?"

Noal moves around in his seat before offering me one. Confused why he has one my eyebrows pull together before I smile relieved he did anyways.

Plucking it from his hands we smile at each other for a second. "Thank you."

Sitting back in his seat I focus on parting my hair. Sectioning off the top half, putting it up in a small bun so it stays out of my face.

I was starting to feel bad for Ally. If Daniel was telling the truth she'd cared, a lot. I must have looked like the rudest person ever not talking, but I just couldn't think of anything good to say.

The silence was starting to get to me though. So I said the first thing that came to mind. "So, I get my height from you."

Evan chuckles first before Noal joins him. Ally smiling beside me. "I guess so, yeah."

"And I have brothers, how many?" I adjust myself, turning towards her.

"Five, four are younger than you. Xale's almost eight years older. I had him before I met your father. After you we had Michael, sixteen, James and Joseph are four, twins, and Conal, he's two." 

Snorting, I put my hand on hers. "You like being pregnant, huh?" I laugh.

Laughing with me she turns her hand over underneath mine and squeezes mine. "Your dad wanted twenty the first time he brought it up. Six is a good compromise I think."

My eyes bulge at the number twenty. Twenty kids? Daniel was crazy. I'd never thought about how many kids I wanted but even six sounded like a lot.

"How many do you want?" She asks, taking me by surprise.

"As many as the Goddess allows." Noal speaks up.

Choking, I shake my head. "Definitely not."

Ally laughs, placing her other hand on-top of our entangled fingers. Her hands are soft, her laugh bubbly. She seems so sweet, comforting, like a mother should be.

The drives alot easier after. Small talk and jokes washing away to uncomfortable silence from earlier. When we get to the mall Ally hops right out holding her hand out for me. I hesitate for a second before taking it. Climbing out and smiling at her. "I'm not much of a shopper. Cammy's the only girl I've shopped with before." I look towards Evan.

Evan's smiling back hearing Cammy's name. "Well she's an expert. I'd say you got it figured out then."

"She was very informative. Fuel up then do the laps. We've already eaten so I guess we're ready."

Noal's hand slides across my back and onto my hip. Glancing up at him I smirk. "With all those sisters you must be an expert aswell."

Groaning Noal pushes me forward, all of us walking towards the front entrance of the mall. "I'm not holding any bags." He grumbles.

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