Chapter Thirty

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Running behind Adira, Amaris felt proud and I couldn't agree with her more. Adira was fast, faster than everyone else. However, I suspected Daniel was holding back a little. He'd kept up with her, on her tail while the rest of us slowed. Hours of running tiring us.

Daniel continued to run with her. The rest of us watching as they lapped the pack land easily. Amaris and I hopping this might be something they could bond over. Praying to the Goddess they'd find some sort of understanding soon.

It was tearing our heart apart watching them fight. Hearing them argue. Daniel wasn't copping well. Adira was to strong to be walked all over. They needed to try to see the other person's side, but their own feelings blinded them.

Shifted and waiting with the robe for Adira; the same robe I'd worn when I'd first shifted. I let the pack members through to link me. Praising my daughter. Telling me how beautiful, strong, fast her wolf is. Amaris and I ate it up. They were right, Adira was perfect. She was exactly how I'd predicted she would be.

Noal's grumbling distracting me from another pack member offering their compliments. Looking up at him I chuckle. He wants to mark her. I could tell the longer she ran the more his wolf pushed forward.

My human side didn't love the idea my daughter was essentially getting married. I've been a wolf long enough to know that wasn't how it worked though. They were mates, it wasn't the same as humans getting married young. Adira and Noal would be together forever, they would never stray. There would be no heartbreak.

"You want me to link her?" I offer.

Shaking his head Noal squats down. "I ran all night my first shift. I wanted to with her but she's to fucking fast." He groans.

Chuckling, I sit down beside him in the grass. "I ran for about thirty minutes before falling into bed with Daniel."

Furrowing his brows he plops onto his butt. "You knew he was your mate before you fully shifted too?"

"I wasn't even a wolf before I met Daniel. Trevor met me as a human. He gave up on finding his mate and married me. Hid it all from me. Long story short Xale gave me his blood. I fell in love with Daniel as a human, though Amaris may have pushed it on me a little. Shifting just heightened it." I giggle, remembering.

I'd thought it was just lust. Going a year without a man's hands on my body. Then all of a sudden having a insanely sexy man's hands on me. Eventually I fell in love but I'd been skeptical. Any doubt I had faded away once I'd shifted.

"As soon as I'd seen her I knew. Evan was holding her and she had her arms around him. My heart felt like it had reached a high and was being ripped out of my chest at the same time. I thought they were together. Even now that I know they aren't it still pisses my wolf off. Our first real conversation together she punched me in the throat over him." Noal growls.

Holding back a giggle I put my hand over my mouth and turn my face away. "That's our girl." Amaris purred to me.

"She's a good mix of Daniel and I then. You're going to have your hands full." I couldn't help but joke.

Snorting Noal leans back on his palm, stretching out his legs. "I've got it handled. You're more trouble than she is. Your welcome by the way. I bet the pack moral is at an all time high now. Just wait till you get home, you're going to regret it. Daniel wasn't very good at keeping the sparkles away. You'll be finding those for life now.

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