Chapter Thirty-One

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I can't help but giggle as Noal's hands wander around my body. His fingers grabbing at me, Noal marking me as his with finger print bruises. Sparks that dance across my skin from his touch. All of it making me giddy.

Tala's revelling in it all. Purring loudly as Noal and I slowly made our way back to the pack house. Birds chirping in the sky having interrupted our kissing. I hadn't even noticed it was morning until I'd heard them sing their songs. Both of us lost in each others embrace.

Noal's touch felt better than anyone else's. More loving, safe and meaningful than I'd ever felt. The walk back was taking longer than it should have. Neither of us able to keep our hands off one another.

Not a single word spoken as we enjoyed time alone together. There was no reason to speak. Everything that needed to be said was felt through our bond. I couldn't imagine how it could possibly get any better.

Once he marked me it would be though. Instead of feeling my own emotions, and knowing he felt the same, I'd be able to feel his, hear his thoughts. Right now I didn't need it in order to know exactly what he'd wanted. I could tell just by the way he looked at me.

Both of us taking turns to stop the other and feel our lips touch, to grope and bask in the moment. Forgetting everything around us but eachother.

Noal's hand holds me close by my throat as his tongue claims my mouth. His other hand sliding into my robe, to my hip and pulling me flush against him.

My neck craned far back for so long it was starting to hurt, but I couldn't care less in this moment. Instead my hands slide up his shirt, my fingers tracing the lines around every muscle. Following the center on his abs my fingers trail down, passing his bellybutton until they reach the fabric of his shorts.

Pushing him back I part our lips, grinning as I clutch his hand and tug him towards the steps of the pack house. I trip, not watching my feet as I try and rush up them. Noal snatching me up from behind making me squeal.

The two new guards open the front door for us with small smiles on their faces. Noal clasping a hand over my mouth as he sets me down and pushes me towards the stairs. Tugging down the shoulder of my robe as he licks across my shoulder. Nipping at my neck before exhaling in my ear. "You're mine now."

Peeling his hand from my mouth I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. Pressing my lips against his with a hunger that hasn't let up all night. My fingers raking into his hair as his own hands cup my behind.

A lustful growl threatening to wake to whole house emerges from Noal's chest and butterflies set flight in my stomach. Noal's hands picking me up off my feet, I hook my ankles around him.

"We're going to wakeup the whole house." I moan into his lips. Even as I say it I realize I do not care. If the whole house came out of their rooms now I wouldn't have been able to stop. I wanted Noal now more than I've ever wanted anything in my whole life.

My back pressed against a wall I gasp, Noal opening a door on my right. The smell of us inside telling me it's my room without even having to open my eyes.

Instead of setting me down on the floor he carries me across the room. Tossing me down onto the bed before he climbs between my legs. His teeth grazing the bare flesh peaking out from the gap in my robe.

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