Chapter Fifty-Three

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Leaning back against Noal's side I pull my legs up infront of me on the couch, and cross my ankles. Exhausted, mentally and physically. We have been talking in circles, Phillip and Noal barely hearing me when I speak. I wiggle my toes as I chew the inside of my cheek. "If he's getting that bad maybe he should stop going. Sofia has been through to much. If he marks her against her will I doubt any of them let him out of that house alive."

Phillip seated in the couch across from ours in his room, sighs. "That's what I don't understand, they act like their lives are in danger. I've watched them every night huddle in to one bedroom. Its like they are scared and need to all stick together. It doesn't make sense, they're fine here. Daniel's pack is one of the most inclusive, accepting packs I've been on. What are they so scared of?"

I almost scoff at his response. All night Phillip's been defending Owen saying he isn't doing anything wrong. That Sofia's the one acting irrational. That the whole family acts like scared little mice. It's become overbearingly irritating. Phillip's lack of compassion annoying me. Sofia and her family had gone through something horrific. Post traumatic stress after what they went through is justified. They survived by sticking together, of course they think they need to keep doing that to survive. It makes sense, Owen is an outsider, he hasn't proven himself. Sofia leaving the comfort of her family to be with her mate must be terrifying.

"What do you mean? Post traumatic stress?" Noal asked out loud making me cringe.

"I don't think it's my place to say. Hailey and I talked awhile back. What if we had a dinner? Invite them over here. You guys talk about kind things Owen's done. I bring up how he was willing to help me without knowing me." I shrug. "Hailey thought it might help."

Phillip's eyes turn from me towards Noal and glaze over, and I roll my eyes. Crossing my arms as I lean my head back against Noal's shoulder. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. "You still think a dinner would help Sofia?" I link Hailey.

Surprised when I get a response the next second. "Nothing could make it worse. He's starting to scare her. She's thinking about rejecting him. He's getting irrated and aggressive. Emma had guys over yesterday and Owen lost his mind. Gwen had to talk her down, Sofia's scared of him."

"Shit." I cuss under my breath. Tala furious that someones scared someone else. Not caring who they are. "Let this be my formal invitation then. Tomorrow night, come around six."

"We'll be there." Hailey links back right away.

Glancing up at Noal and Phillip linking eachother still I huff. Slapping Noal in the chest. "Forget everything you two have planned. Dinners tomorrow at six." Pushing myself off of the couch I step around the coffee table. "And tell Owen to be on his best behavior. She's thinking about rejecting him. Which is entirely his fault just so you know. I'd reject him too, he's an idiot!" I throw my arms up.

"And you!" I point my finger at Phillip. "Weren't you supposed to be watching him yesterday? Do better or don't go at all. You really think letting him lose his shit infront of her is going to help him? If he does anything to her, anything around her at all she doesn't like I'll be dealing with it myself from now on. Obviously you are too close to him to see the harm he's causing." I snap.

Phillip looking at me like a fish out of water, his mouth opening and shutting. "I-I.."

Scowling at him, Phillip bites down on his lips. "Yeah, exactly. Go get Owen, he's done spending the night there. If you think you'll need help bringing him back ask the gaurds outside. Tell Evan to stay there incase Owen tries to sneak back over. I don't want Owen around that house again until Sofia invites him."

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