Chapter Fifty-Four

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Rolling onto my feet Tala growls. Marcus and Andre pouncing at me again, Gregg laying in the grass to my left. Ally said not to hold back and they aren't. I wasn't sure how long we've been doing this but pain and exhaustion we're starting to take a toll. I'm surprised Noal or Evan haven't shown up yet, trainings taking longer then usual. The blood coating my fur sickening, the scent a mix of fresh and old, some mine, some theirs. Noal and Evan not showing up was actually a good thing.

"Don't hold back." I mutter to Tala.

Grunting at me she sets her eyes on Andre. He is the weakest, with the added benefit that when I hurt him it hurts Marcus.

Meeting Andre head on my ribs burn as Tala snaps at him. Marcus nipping at our heels Tala clenches her teeth around Andre's ear. His cry immediately making her let go. Marcus no longer biting my ankles. I back away petrified I might have actually hurt him. Andre hooking his paw over his bleeding ear repeatedly. Marcus licking and rubbing up against him.

Glaring at Ally, I link her. "I'm done. They're done. I'm not training with them again, find different wolves."

Running towards Gregg's house I slow once I'm out of eye sight. Wincing as I push myself to keep going. I could smell Gregg behind me, and it was the only thing keeping me from letting myself drop down and succumb to the pain in the grass.

Gritting my teeth, forcing myself to stay upright I near Gregg's and Kelly's. Relief relaxing my shoulders when I spot it. "Is Kelly home?" I link Gregg, not bothering the look back. Keeping my eyes on the house.

"Yes, just go right in to the first room. I already linked her." Gregg responds.

My legs start straining to make each step. My paws touching the cobbled path I whisper kind reassuring words to Tala. "Just a few more steps. You did so good. You're so strong." Grunting at me Tala stood a little taller.

Stopping infront of the door and waiting for Gregg. Afraid to sit, worried once I do I won't be able to get back up. Turning my head away once I spot Gregg's bare legs, I give him privacy. Waiting a minute, I take a couple shallow breaths. Pushing my snout into the open door. Making sure my claws retract so I don't scratch their flooring. I shoulder inside if the first room on the right down the hall, Kelly's home office.

Shifting, I fall face first down on the cold floor. The cool tiles feeling good on my legs and ribs. Groaning as I push myself up, grabbing the small cot and pulling myself into it. Hissing when my ribs touch the thin mattress. I slowly turn to lay on my back.

Raising my arms up and looking down at them. Bite marks and small cuts already healing. I force myself up on my elbows and gaze down at my body. Black and angry bruising covering my right side from armpit to thigh. My left side peppered with bruising aswell. Large cuts across my stomach and legs. Bite marks running up and down my body. My ankles and legs bitten and bloody.

Wiggling my toes I tempt my abilities and lift my left leg and roll my ankle, then my right, sighing with relief. Everything looked like it was already healing quickly. The only thing causing me immense pain was my ribs.

Letting myself lay back I pressed my fingers into them one by one. Poking down on two at the same time I feel like I've been punched in the gut. Air leaving my lungs as I cough with the pain.

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