Chapter Forty-Nine

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Shooting up, I cough out water. The bathtub splashing water to the floor. Freezing cold water running out of the faucet, I leap forward. Turning it off before I jump out of the tub. "May, I need a mop and towels." I link, shivering.

Running into my closet I go to grab my robe and it's gone. Frowning, I rip open Noal's top drawer. Pulling out a black shirt from the top and putting it on. Tugging it down my body as I stumble to my bedroom door. Turning the lock and opening my door wide. Evan spinning around to face me. "Are you okay?" He frowns, his eyebrows pulled together. Evan grabs my shoulders as he examines my body.

Unsure of what to say I balk. "I-i.. I'm fine. The tub overflowed. I need stuff to clean it up."

"You're a bad lier, little one. I seen it all."

"No, no actually.." I try to turn towards my room. Spotting Daniel walking up the stairs in the corner of my eye, I scowl. "Just come help."

Gripping Evan's elbows I walk backwards into my room. Slamming the door once we're inside. Flipping the lock into place. "I fell asleep in the bath by accident. Not that long but when I woke up I freaked out. You going to help me clean?"

Sighing, Evan nods and walks passed me. "While I do you can tell me what you think we should do about your dream."

Crinkling my nose I shake my head to myself, not happening. Last time I opened my mouth I got locked in my room. If my dream became reality I'd take Alpha Anderson's deal. Me for everyone else sounded better to me than them all fighting for me.

"You know I can feel every emotion and hear every thought. Put your wall up if you're going to think those things. I don't want to fucking hear it." Evan growls.

Following him into my bathroom I bit down on my lip. "Sorry." I mumble, putting my walls back up.

Grabbing some towels from underneath my counter Evan tosses them to me. Catching them I lay them over the water. Evan piling more over top. "Noal's talking to Daniel and Ally in Daniel's office. You're allowed out now. Ally's going to take you to train. Go get dressed. I'll clean this up."

"But I.."

"Go, Adira!" Evan barks.

Flinching, I step back. Tala whining inside of me. My muscles tense. He was mad at me and I didn't understand why. It's not like I could control my dreams. He knew I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me. Why was he mad at me? It wasn't like I'd thought anything he didn't already know. He should know me well enough by now to know I'd do anything to protect all of them.

"Go." He hisses, bending over the bathtub and pulling the plug out.

Stepping back I give him one last glance. Chewing on my bottom lip as I debate whether or not to say something. Thinking better of it I turn and leave. Nothing I say is going to help. Whatever he's mad about he's going to have to work through on his own.

Grabbing a pair of spandex shorts I tug them on and sigh to myself. Crossing my room and turning my door knob. As I pull the door open I can't help but glance back towards the bathroom. Tala and I wanting so badly for Evan to be happy, and hating that he's mad at us. There wasn't anything we could do about it. We couldn't control our dreams, and I definitely couldn't change who I was. My thoughts were my own, honest and genuine. I don't know what he expected from me. It wasn't like I'd said it out loud. I wouldn't apologize from thinking and being myself. I wanted to make him happy but I wasn't going to change who I was to do that. I wasn't going to compromise on who I am. He was just going to have to get used to it. Just like I was going to have to get used to this new side of him.

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