Chapter Thirty-Four

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Hanging out with Trevor and Xale was amusing. It gave me a whole new perspective on relationships with father's. Trevor was strict, but also fun. He had boundaries he didn't budge on. The most important thing to him was safety. Xale would try to rough house and Trevor would shut it down. Xale would try and climb up trees to jump in the water and Trevor would tell for him to get down.

It didn't stop there though, he'd even done it with me. Xale had thrown me into a deep spot in the lake and by the time I swam back Trevor was scolding Xale. Everyone warned not to toss me where I couldn't touch. Berating Xale, asking him what if I couldn't swim? What if I'd hit my head on a rock? What if I got trapped in seaweed?

It was endearing. It made me feel like he truly cared for me. Preemptively worrying about me being harmed. I don't think my father ever did that. He'd let me do almost anything I'd asked. He was more like a friend, he was my best friend.

Emma and Sofia were friendly, fun, and reminded me of Cammy. Well.. Emma did. Sofia might have acted like Cammy but she dressed like a nun. We'd begged for her to join us in the water. Instead of joining us she'd sat at shore, watching us have fun instead of being apart of it. Her excuse she hadn't brought a swim suit, yet Emma had run in the water with Xale's shirt on. The both of us swimming in oversized men's shirts.

Emma had these ocean blue eyes that I hadn't noticed before today. Light freckles across her button nose and cheeks. Her hair dried wavey as we sat in the sand. All of us laughing about random confessions. Sofia letting us know Owen slept in their livingroom last night. She'd run out the house before he'd woken. She thinks he's terrifying.

Trevor stating he thought Noal was the one to worry about, if anyone was going to be scared of someone. So, of course I had to admit he was less scary than he looked. Telling them all about how I'd tripped over him sleeping on the floor. Noal's reasoning a terrible, disgusting drink. How I'd threatened him then accidentally punched him in his throat. That I was still here to tell the tale meaning Noal was all bark.

Evan and Xale chuckling as Trevor grunts. "That's because you're his mate, you're lucky. I doubt anyone else would get away with even thinking about doing something like that." I remember his words. Still pondering them now. Was I really lucky? I loved Noal but if everyone was scared of him shouldn't I be as well?

Shaking the memories from today away I pick up my fork, placing a polite smile on my face. Evan having stolen Noal's spot beside me at the dinning table. I lean into his side and spear a carrot off his plate. "I'll eat your carrots if you eat my brussel sprouts." I offer up a trade.

Wrapping his arm around my shoulder he picks up his plate and I put mine in its place. Evan setting his down in front of me. I rest against his side as I lazily eat the carrots. Noal slamming against the wall I'd put up since returning to the pack house. I could feel his eyes on me.

Everyone could feel the tension. Nobody daring to speak to anyone other than the people directly beside them. Hushed words and the sound of cutlery scrapping across plates surrounding us.

Tala couldn't figure out whether to be mad at me for upsetting Noal, or if she was siding with me in self preservation. Either way I was going to protect her. I didn't want his pity, or any other emotion he felt.

Febris and Feronia sat at the far end of the table with my younger siblings. Whispering tales of special wolves. The Moon Goddesses chosen Warriors and their mate.

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