Chapter Twenty-Five

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Stretching out my hand touches cold sheets and I frown. Rolling over and noticing Noal's gone I sit up and wonder if it's still night. Was he still running?

After he.. touched me, he said he needed to go for a run. I'd fallen asleep before he had even left the room. I'd expected him to be beside me when I'd woken up though.

Frowning, I tugged on the bottom of Noal's shirt, making sure it covered everything it needed too. Glancing at the bathroom door and not hearing anything I walked to the bedroom door.

Turning the knob I peaked out and looked down the hall. Smelling Noal out here I close the door behind me. Opening the boys room and looking inside, everyone still sleeping and Noal not present in there either.

Quietly closing the door I tip toe down the hall. Floor boards creaking below my feet as I walk down the stairs. Holding the railing as I glance at the livingroom and dinning room and don't see him down here either.

Tala growing worried I turn to head up the stares to go wake Evan but stop when I hear yelling outside. Slowly turning back around I head for the front door. Opening it two men peer at me over their shoulders.

I'm about to say good morning but here yelling again. This time though I can hear it's coming from Noal. Bottling out the door I jump down the steps and my head snaps left and right. The guards rushing to my side grabbing at me. "Alpha ordered us not to let anyone disturb them." One informs me.

Slapping and shaking their hands off they just grab onto me somewhere else, holding me back. "Let go of me!" I scream.

Getting my arm free I elbow one in the face then punch the other. Their hands just returning, grabbing and pulling at me. One tries to lift me around my waist and I kick the other in the chest. "Get off of me!"

Throwing my head back, hitting the guy behind me, he lets go of me and I run. Heading towards the direction I'd heard Noal. Daniel was going to get kicked in the balls for this. "Alpha ordered" I scoff to myself.

Gravel kicking up behind me I glance over my shoulder and spot the guards chasing me. Grinning to myself I speed up and hear a loud growl. Birds flocking at the sound I turn towards it.

Passing houses and buildings with signs out front labelled things like school, medical, pack affairs. Eventually I get to a clearing where three wolves are shifted circling Noal and Daniel. Both in their human forms. I stop for a second and am slammed into the ground.

Screaming out I roll onto my back and slap and punch, kneeing the man in this groin he rolls off me. Another loud growl heard I turn onto my hands and knees and spot Noal and Daniel running towards me.

Daniel shifting into his wolf and jumping towards us. Pushing myself onto my feet I run towards Noal. Noal scooping me into his arms when we crash into eachother. His hands frantically searching my face and arms. "What the fuck." He growls. Pushing me behind him he shifts into a large dark brown wolf, rushing the men who'd chased me.

Turning back to them Daniel's got one pinned and submitted. Noal snapping his teeth at the other growling. The three wolves coming to my sides and rubbing against my legs my eyes widen and I freeze, fear taking over my body starts to shake. I can't fight off three wolves.

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