Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Taking a deep breath I close my eyes and try to calm Tala. Daniel and Noal still not here. We were about to leave to go do the ceremony. I was about to complete my shift and my mate wouldn't be present. Tala was so angry my body shook trying to push her down. I couldn't put up a wall, I was forced to feel it.

Everyone outside waiting for me I glance in the mirror on last time. Kelly really had done amazing on my hair. My nails painted the same shade of gold as my shoes. Ally gave my a small pair of gold hoops. My outfit looked perfect except for the black stone around my neck.

I wanted to take it off but I wasn't sure I should. My dad could have been close right now, searching for me because he can't pinpoint exactly where I am. The second I take the necklace off he will; if the necklace actually works in the first place.

I didn't know if I could believe in the necklace. That it did what Althea had said. I kept it on because Evan trusted her. Yet somehow my dad found us in Newfoundland. How did he manage that without being able to track us? It didn't make sense.

The necklace was useless as far as I was concerned. Dad had to know I was coming here by now. That I was already here. He'd taken me from here. He knew this area better than I did. Not being able to smell me or track me with magic wouldn't stop him from finding me.

Maybe it could help me though. If it really did protect me from being tracked I could think of a plan. Some way to save everyone. Save my dad without anyone else getting involved. I just needed time to think of something.

Dropping the necklace back down to my chest I took a deep breath, praying to the Goddess to grant me just a little more time. Before I headed outside, I kick off my heels. Thankful my dress covers my feet. There was no way I was wearing them, even if Ally and Kelly said they liked them on me. I spot Xale and Evan holding a dagger as I step outside. A huge smile on Xale's face as he passes it to Evan. "And then we'll all be connected. Mom will perform the ceremony, you and Adira sharing the oath. Once Noal and her mate he'll become apart of it as well. Anyone he's bonded to joining aswell. Like two packs merging."

"I've already shifted." Evan frowns.

Shaking his head Xale pushes the dagger into Evan's hand. "Not quite. It's different for us. You'll see. Your wolf will feel it."

It didn't really matter to me, as long as I didn't have to drink his blood. Tala seemed fine with the knowledge so she probably already knew what had to happen. Getting nervous wasn't an option. I just wanted to get it over with.

I hated people watching me, being the center of attention. Doing this in front of the pack would be torture. I was already dreading it. If these people knew me any better they'd know that. Unfortunately they did not. Only my dad knew that about me.

Turning my attention away from them I step towards Ally. "I'm ready, lead the way." I force a smile to my face.

I was really about to do this. I was going to shift for the first time and my dad wouldn't be by my side. Tala grumbling, I sigh internally. I need to stop calling him dad. I can't keep ignoring what he tried to do. It's just hard forgetting all the good things.

Today's my first birthday without him and it was the crappiest one I've had. I've cried, argued, tried to run away, got man handled by guards. Then to top it all off I haven't even gotten a cake. There were no cards or special pancakes. My dad wasn't here to buy an elaborate gift or to take me on a trip. It sounded superficial, but that's what my dad always did. He made it feel like a celebration. Today felt like anything but.

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