Chapter Eleven

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A phone tucked into my pocket I climb the front steps. Duffle bag in hand as I turn to wave off Evan before opening the front door.

Looking around the small interior everything is the same. A pair of lazy boy chairs facing the tv on my right. Small side tables that work as dinner trays beside them.

Dropping my bag by the stairs I walk around the chairs and enter the kitchen. The hardwood shelves above the counter still decorated the same. Pictures of us in all the places we've been. Plates, bowls and cups we got from different countries stacked neatly.

Chewing on the inside of my cheek I look around for a note or something. My dad always leaves notes when he leaves, but I can't find one.

I assume it's because he didn't expect me back so early I turn on my heels, picking up my bag as I head to my room.

Clothes left exactly where I had thrown them, my room is a mess. Groaning, I throw my bag onto my bed. Cleaning up as I figure out how I should confront my dad.

Do I find a way to subtly slide it into conversation? Or do I just ask and be straight forward?

What do I even say? "Hey dad, I just found out you can't possibly be my biological father. What's up with that?"

Laughing at my own absurdity I sit down on my floor. Crossing my legs I rest my elbows on my knees and palm my face. For the first time in my life I wish I was human.

Huffing I lay back on my floor. Taking the phone out of my back pocket I unlock it. Opening up contacts and clicking on the only one saved.

Any tips on how exactly I ask my dad?

After a few seconds three dots appear at the bottom of the screen, then disappear and reappear again.

You could try "What pack were you and my mom from originally?" Atleast then we'll have a good starting point.

He never talks about my mother, he refuses.

I text back. Staring at the screen while Evan's three dots dance.

Okay. How about "Where did you do your first shift?" You're about to complete yours so it won't sound odd. It will just come off as you being inquisitive."

Chuckling I smile and type back.

I'm not a very "inquisitive" person. He gets upset so I stopped asking about stuff a long time ago. He might think it's weird I'm asking all of a sudden.

Rolling onto my stomach I glance out into the hall. Still not hearing my dad home yet. Atleast it gives me more time to plan out what I'm going to do.

The phone vibrates in my hand and I look down at his new message.

Fuck. Beats me then. Just ask point blank. He's going to find out sooner or later why you're asking.

"Ahhh." I whine out loud.

Pushing myself off the floor I lock my phone and put it in my open desk drawer, slamming it shut and huffing. Evan was no help.

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