Chapter Seventy Three

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"Adira. We have to go!" Kay yells at me again.

Grinding my teeth together, I stop myself from cussing her out. "I know. I don't think you know how much pain I'm in. I don't think I can run." I spat.

Yanking at my arm, Kay forcing me away from the support of the tree. "Claire's been in the bunker for five minutes now. She stopped chanting, we need to leave. If you are not going to run, I'll drag you. You think you hurt now, wait until you get caught. Start fucking running! Luna thinks you're strong. Be strong, Adira, don't make me tell her she was wrong."

Snorting, I shake my arm out of her grasp. "Your Luna barely knows me. I'm fast, that's my thing, I'm not like the other wolves. I'm not strong."

"Well, you're going to have to be." Shoving me forward, Kay presses her hands on my shoulders, pushing me deeper into the forest. "I don't plan on dying today."

"Then go! I didn't ask you to be here!" I snap.

Suddenly, my heads pulled back, my hair ripping at my scalp. Kay leaning over my face. "Grow up! Get ahold of yourself. Let your wolf feed off the pain and use it. I'm not leaving you. Let's go!" She screamed, spit hitting my face.

Slapping her hands off of me, I shake out my arms. Closing my eyes, I push down the pain in my chest. "Fine. Keep up." I grumble.

Kicking up dirt, I bolt. Not bothering to look back, I swerve around trees and jump over fallen trees and borders. Smelling in the air, searching for scents that don't belong, I catch the scent of Gregg and turn left to avoid him.

I'm not sure how long I've been running. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Kay falling behind and slowing down so she can catch up.

"No! Don't slow down. Keep running!" She hollars.

Shaking my head, I roll my eyes. Speeding up, I remember what Daniel said. Getting lost sounds really good right now. Pushing myself to go even faster, my thighs and calves start to burn. It's a good pain, though, one that distracts me from the aching feeling in my chest.

Spotting a creek up ahead, I grin. Running as fast as I can, I leap over it and stumble at the landing. Rocks shifting under my feet. Catching myself, I jump up. Tala growling low, my eyebrows pull together, and I scan my surroundings. Taking a deep breath, I start to smell something foul headed towards me. The awful smell is getting stronger, I keep my eyes open. Turning right, I try to distance myself from whatever it is.

Inhaling through my nose, I almost freeze in spot. I'd never forget that smell. Slamming into a tree, I back track and grab onto Kay's shoulder as I pass her. "They're here." I huff.

"Fuck." She mutters.

Letting go of her, I make my way back to the creek line. Following it left, I look over my shoulder again and again. Watching Kay slow behind me, Tala starts to groan. We can't let her get hurt because of us.

Stopping I turn to face Kay and she starts to shout at me. "Go! Run! What are you doing? Run, Adira!"

Shaking my head, I clench my hands at my side. "I'm not leaving you behind!"

Kay catching up, I grab ahold of her shoulders. "You're distracting me. Go to the bunker. I can't leave you behind. You're holding me back."

Sighing, Kay nods. "I'll go get Daniel. Follow the creek line. He'll find you."

Pushing at her shoulders towards the creek, I nod. "Go, now. I'll be fine."

"My Luna was right."

"You've said that before. Go!"

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