Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Once we walked into the pack house I gasped. Ally and May had outdone themselves. Whicker baskets filled with odds and ends Noal's family might need. The hutch in the dinning room set with trays pilled high with different desserts.

The house smelled like chocolate, vanilla and melted butter. It was mouth watering good. Noal growling softly in my ear behind me. "This is what you smell like."

Blushing, I bite down on my lips, a shiver runs through me as I peek at him before rushing to the livingroom. Noal's wolf causing gold to sparkle in his eyes. We didn't have time for whatever he was thinking about.

Ally was upstairs making sure the boys were cleaned up. Daniel up there with her. I could here the squeals and laughter as Conal ran down the hall. The pitter patter of his feet as he runs down the stairs.

As soon as he spots Noal he screams. "Noal!"

I should be jealous my brother likes him more but I don't mind. James and Joseph didn't really talk to either of us. They were always at school or out with friends. Aside from dinner I barely seen them in the house. Even at dinner they didn't speak to me much. They'd just link eachother the whole time, finish eating and run off again.

Xale was different. He wanted to spend time with me. Xale wanted to get to know me. He'd known about me, he'd known me. He was old enough when I was taken to mourn the loss.

Because of that he was happier I was here.

I never had siblings before. I'd thought once that maybe Evan was like a brother. Now that I've got brother's I couldn't disagree more. Even though Xale was protective too it wasn't the same at Evan's protectiveness. The way Xale talked to me, carried me, joked with me, it all felt different.

Sitting down on the sofa between Xale and Evan the differences were unmistakable. Xale would put his hand around me but Evan would hold me close. Evan would kiss my head and rub my back. Both were comforting but not for the same reasons.

Febris and Feronia sit on the couch opposite of us and stare as I lean into Evan. Something that looks a lot like intrigue in Febris's eyes. Yet Feronia simply looks at us with kindness, a small smile playing with the corners of her mouth.

I can't bring myself to look away. I want to, but I can't. I don't understand them. Febris said a spell is holding Tala back but she's fine. I can shift, I've mated, she's communicated with me. It might not be with words but I've always understood. Febris had been so blunt, Feronia so calm, I had a hard time not believing it. Yet it couldn't be true.

It could be true. I mean if someone had told me the man who raised me didn't love me I would have thought they were a lier. I'd of died on that hill defending his love for me. Now I know that wasn't true at all.

I was having a hard time figuring out what was real and what wasn't. I've been trying to sort it all out on my own. Dad didn't love me. Noal's my mate. Ally and Daniel are my parents, and they didn't abandon me, they'd searched for me. Evan was genuine. My dad was not.

I couldn't figure out whether or not Febris and Feronia were genuine. Were they being honest? Were they trustworthy? Most importantly, if I did let them do the spell what could happen to Tala and I?

Anxiety, hurt, betrayal have all sunk their claws in me. I was trying not to let them take over. I didn't want the lies to change who I was. I knew deep down they already had though.

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