Chapter Sixty

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Sighing, I scowl at Trevor. His arms crossed as he stares at me, uncomfortable with the situation I've put him in. He owes me though, and if Adira was his he'd feel the same way I do and agree with me.

"It's not right and you know it." He argues, linking me the same thing he's told me already.

Rolling my eyes, I set my tea down. I don't understand why he keeps argueing with me over this. She's my daught I have a right to keep her safe. "She's just a little girl. My job is to keep her safe."

"She's not, not in this world. Adira is old enough to mate, to mark, to get visions. That makes her as much of an adult as we are."

"So she should go through the same things we have? You're being ridiculous. If this was Xale you'd be on my side."

"Is Daniel on your side in this?"

Taking a deep breath I lean against the arm of the couch. Sniffing for Adira and smelling her nearby. "Daniel would be if I told him. Everything concerning her he'd agree with."

"So link him, tell him your grand plan. Let's see how quickly he shows up."

Amaris growls loudly at the disobedience and I can't argue with the way she feels. I should have asked somebody else to come. Closing my walls I stand up and adjust my dress. "I'm done talking. If you're planning on going against my wishes you can leave. If you're here to help just shut your mouth. My mind is made up and you're not changing it."

Snorting, Trevor wipes his hands on his jeans. "Whatever you say, Luna."

He's baiting me, he knows I hate that term. 17 years and it still made me uncomfortable. I was a human first, I grew up human. The ideology one person's blood made them superior disgusted me. He knew I didn't like being called Luna, even if Amaris did, and he said it to taunt me. Taking a deep breath I refuse to let him get to me. Stepping away from him, leaving the livingroom and smiling once I spot Adira leaning against the wall in the hall. "You ready to go?"

Snapping her head towards me her hair cascades over her face and Adira runs her fingers through the curly locks, tucking them behind her ears. "Uh, yeah. What.. where are we going?

Shaking my head I reach out for her hand, laughing lightly. "The cells, remember?"

I wasn't going to feel bad about this. If anything I was glad I was going to be able to keep her safe.

Tugging her behind me I journey towards the basement door. Plucking the keys from the right pocket on my dress. Adira stumbles and slows the closer we get and I furrow my brows as I look back at her. "What's wrong?"

Shaking her head Adira clears her throat. Pain in her eyes as the corners of her lips pull up. "I just.. I just tripped over my own feet."

I can tell it was a lie but I allow it. Playing along and chuckling a little as I patted her hand. It almost made it easier on my own guilt that she was also hiding something from me. "Trevor was right then I guess."

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