Chapter Seventy Two

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Silently pacing in my bedroom, I clench my hands repeatedly. Nerves setting in as I wait for Claire. She said she would come for me when it was time to leave, and she hasn't come yet. The day flew by fast, and before I knew it, everyone was heading out to do their part. I feel like I should already be out there doing something. The house is quiet, too quiet. May and the other omegas left long before diner. We had to fend for ourselves for supper. Evan tried to make it fun, but Daniel killed the mood before we even got started. Instead of a bonding experience, it turned into a very militant experience. Daniel gave orders, and we all obeyed. He's tense, and it rubbed off on all of us. We'd been confident in the plan, but now I didn't feel so sure. I can feel my muscles start to get tense. Tala wasn't as nervous as I was, but it didn't help she still wasn't talking.

If I was honest, I'd hoped Febris and Feronia's spell would fix her. Turns out all it had done is open up my bond with Evan. I wasn't disappointed, not really, I just thought it would have done more. I was going to have to let Tala take control fully without being able to communicate fully, and I was a little nervous about that. We'd done well so far with the little grunts and growls, but we were about to fight for our lives. It would have been easier if she could speak. Now I understand why everyone pitied me when they had found out Tala didn't talk.

Every other wolf had an advantage over me. Hopefully, putting all my trust in her was enough to level the playing field. When it came to it, I wasn't going to hold her back, I'd let her do anything. My fingers crossed at my side. I pray to the Goddess that it's good enough.

I wasn't sure what was taking Claire so long, but she better come soon. I didn't know where I was going. She had to show me. I could have been waiting with Evan downstairs, but I'd just be in his way. Evan's making sure all the windows and doors are locked tight. I didn't see the point, Evan's the only one who will be here. A part of me wished he was coming with me, but I knew it would just distract Tala. He was safer here anyway, far away from me.

A soft knock at my door startles me, and I rush to open it. Claire is looking me up and down before nodding her head slowly. "Okay, let's go." She sighs.

Taking a deep breath, I wipe my hands on my black leggings and close my door behind me. "Did you talk to Cammy?" 

Letting out a shaky breath, Claire glances at me over her shoulder. "I told her we were going to be busy tonight, that we'd call her tomorrow. I hate lying to her."

"Technically, you didn't lie." I shrug, trying to ease some of the guilt I know she's feeling. I feel it, too.

Huffing, Claire reaches back for my hand, and we intertwine our fingers. "I still don't like it. She's our friend, one of my best friends."

Offering Claire a small smile, I squeeze her hand. "She's safer in the dark on this."

Nodding, Claire leads me down the stairs and out the front door. Evan, nowhere in sight, my heart drops in my chest. I wonder where he is. Was he avoiding me? I thought he'd be here to say goodbye, I guess not.

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