Chapter Seventy Five

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I can hear the screams. I can smell it before I even get to the bunker. The blood, sweat, and literal tears. Children crying out. Amaris fills with rage when all I want to do is weep. I'm not sure what I'm about to run into, but I know it won't be good.

My heart thumps in my chest faster than it's ever done before. If I cared at all about myself right now, I'd stop running, but I can't. My kids are in there.

Xale at my side, I fear for the worst. He shouldn't be here. He shouldn't see this. I can't have him get hurt, too, but I've got no choice. There's no one else. Everyone is busy dealing with Cody and the people he brought.

Sliding on my feet, I make a sharp turn and run up the four steps into the small house that's used to hide the bunker. The doors wide open, blood coating the white paint amaris begs to be freed.

Dylan, a warrior who used to train with Xale, lays whimpering on the floor inside. I can barely even hear his cries over the screaming from downstairs.

Xale rushing to Dylan side to help him, I rush to the large steel doors that should be locked. Instead, I find them cracked open.

My throat threatens to close as I push them open so I can slip down the stairs. Tiptoeing down the steps, I hold my fists up, ready to fight if I have to.

Looking down the stairs, my eyes start to blur with unshed tears. Wolves piled up against the wall at the bottom. My people, the people who trusted me to protect them.

Shaking off my emotions, I jump down the last steps and round the concrete wall. Something hitting me hard, throwing me into the wall. Air is knocked from my lungs as I fall to the ground and grip my stomach, coughing for air.

"Shit! I'm sorry! I didn't know it was you. Shit! Are you okay?" Someone curses.

Groaning, I look up at Claire running towards me. People in my pack behind her huddled together. Kelly pushes past her and runs to my side. Kelly's soft hands helping me to my feet. "She only knows that one spell. You're lucky, those other guys... they... Why are you here, Ally?"

"Adira, she.." I start to explain. My brain finally registering Claire killed those wolves and almost killed me, too. "You did this?" I ask, looking into her eyes.

"The guys left, they had to. My mom, she only showed me that one spell. I didn't even know what it did. I didn't..  did I kill them? They were going to.. Ally, I didn't want to. I had no choice. We were so scared. Kay and Elyse left and.. I had no choice, right?" She starts to ramble.

Rushing towards her, I cup the back of her head and hug her tightly. "Shh, you did good. You're safe now." I whisper in her ear. Looking around the room at the scared little wolves and women, I try my best to smile but can't. "You're all safe now. I won't let anything happen to any of you."

"Mom, he needs help!" Xale yells.

Separating from Claire, I grab onto Kelly and tug her up the stairs with me. "Dylan was hurt." I explain.

Pulling from my hand, Kelly falls to her knees beside Dylan. Looking him over, her eyes meet mine, and I already know exactly what she's thinking. "Bring him downstairs. You can't leave here. Xale help her bring him down and stay down there. I'll watch out here."

"I don't have any supplies, Ally. I-i can't help him here. He, he'll die." Kelly stammers.

My eyes start to water again, and I drop my gaze to the floor. "If you die, there won't be anyone to help the injured. There's nothing we can do, Kelly. Go downstairs. I'll make sure nobody gets inside again."

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