Chapter Thirty-Six

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Sitting in the makeshift bleachers I watch as everyone trains, Daniel at my side. Explaining why I can't train with them. That Ally will need to train me. How he couldn't risk me hurting the wolves in his pack. That's why he won't let me train with the guys, because they could hurt me.

It sounded a bit sexist to me. Ally being the one to train me because the guys could hurt me accidentally. That girls should train with girls. I'd heard how badass Ally was. She was strong. Possibly stronger than anyone here. Accidents could happen with Ally too. She could hurt me just as easily as the guys could.

I went along with it anyways. Nodding along because if I wanted to train with anyone it would be her. Hearing how amazing she was made me want to be her. I guess that's normal for a daughter to idolize their mother. Ally was my mom and she was fierce, confident, a hero in her own right. She'd saved her whole pack, she'd saved herself. Ally had the strength I wished I'd some day have.

She'd be the only one here to teach me how to become the person I want to be. Someone strong enough and smart enough to save everyone. If my father did come here I didn't want anyone to get hurt. I wanted to save them all and my dad. I didn't want anyone to die.

Watching Noal and Evan play with Conal, chasing him around. Ally and May having kicked us all out while they prepared with some omegas. I'd offered help but Daniel had convinced us all I should join them. I felt guilty for not helping, but I was also enjoying sitting with Daniel. After everyone had quit running with us we'd linked for a couple hours. Joking back and forth, mostly about each other.

It was nice not fighting with him anymore. I felt closer with him now. He was still a little edgy with Noal but they'd need to figure that out themselves. It was better today than yesterday, it would just take time. Two strong willed males will always butt heads.

"Your brothers are so much happier with you here." Daniel sighs, leaning forward. "I hope you plan on staying."

Staring at Conal running, Evan and Noal on his trail. I bounce my head up and down a few times. "I don't really have anywhere else to go. Even if I did I'd like to stay. I'm starting to really like it here. I don't feel afraid. I'll stay as long as everyone else does too. If Evan wants to leave I'll have to go with him."

"You talk about Evan as if he's your mate. Even though you wear Noal's mark." Daniel glances back at me over his shoulder.

Pulling my legs up I cross my ankles, wrapping my arms around the calves. Looking at Daniel then at Noal, Evan and Conal. "You don't care for anyone as much as you care for Ally? Evan's the whole reason I found out the truth. He protected me and took care of me. He left his family for me. How could I treat him like anything less than someone I love? He's the reason I'm still here. My dad.. well, you know, and it was Evan that saved me. He's put me first before everything in his life. I plan on always doing the same for him."

"And how's Noal feel about that?"

Squinting against the sunlight I watch Conal run our way. Noal and Evan right behind him. "Evan's the only other male aside from himself, you and Xale he's comfortable with letting touch me. So I guess he's fine with it."

Snorting, Daniel sits up and places his hand on my knee. "To answer your question, no. No, there isn't a single person in this world I care for like your mother. Noal's a better man than I am. If Ally had someone she loved the same way she loved me I don't know if I'd be comfortable with any relationship. Ally's all mine, and I'm all hers. You should talk to Febris and Feronia." Standing up he walks away to catch Conal in his arms. Spinning him around while he giggles.

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