Chapter Forty-Seven

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Leaning back, I tug my legs up onto my chair. Crossing my legs and tucking my hair behind my ears. "What if I went off pack land? Somewhere humans don't visit. Then we avoid the possibility anyone here gets hurt during. They must have eyes on me. They'd know and follow. That's what they're waiting for, right?" I look up from the map at Ally.

Nodding, she leans forward glancing at the map. "Alpha Roberts old pack land might work. The Luna there owes us a favour. Her packs much smaller. They could all come here for safety. Cody might notice though. He was here when we took over the pack. He knows we sold the land to them."

"So we throw a ball as a cover. Invite the whole pack to come here and meet our daughter who has returned. A few men could head there now. Take a couple SUV's, with Warrior's hidden in the back. They'll stay there while everyone heads here. We meet with the Luna and tell her our plans. Her packs built on women's safety. She would fight with us on this. Everyone else is on a need to know basis. We never figured out how Cody got on pack land and took Adira without being seen. From here on out everything needs to be between just us. No outsiders, no guards, no omegas. Understood?" Daniel clenches his fist on the table.

"What about our mates?" Marcus speaks up.

"Andre would be here if we didn't need childcare we could trust. He's one of us. You shouldn't even feel like you need to ask." Ally responds before Daniel can answer.

"So what? Adira just runs off to the other pack, and we follow? He had a van ready to snatch her right outside the hotel door. He could do the same thing. He could have a van set up nearby already." Evan scoffs. "I'm not risking her life like that. None of us can run as fast as her. We don't even know how many came with Alpha Anderson. He'd have her before we even caught up to her."

"So I don't run as fast. If they do try and catch me they won't be able to keep up either." I shrug.

Ally's hand grabs mine and she shakes her head. "If my dream becomes reality it won't matter how fast your wolf is. We need to get you there without them noticing. Then cross our fingers they find out themselves once you're already there."

"Who in the pack has a wolf similar to  Adira's?" Daniel frowns at Gregg, leaning back in his chair.

Sighing, Gregg crosses his arms as he leans back in his chaie. "In size Xale or Ally, but they don't have the same markings. We'd need to dye or stain their fur somehow. Even then they wouldn't smell like her. Anyone got close enough they'd be able to tell it wasn't her."

"Or bleach mine." Daniel exhales. "I'm not risking you or Xale." He glances at Ally.

Scowling, Ally turns her eyes from him and clears her throat. "Charcoal. I'll roll in charcoal. I'll do the run. I'll wear your clothes before I shift. Mask my own wolf's scent. I'm the best at masking out of all of us."

"Im going with you then." Gregg grunts.

"No. You have your own daughter to worry about now." Ally snaps. "You're staying here."

"I'll come too. You guys will need me in case any of you get hurt." Kelly inserts herself, surprising me.

"Tell them exactly what happened in your dream." Noal growls beside me.

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