Chapter Fifty-Eight

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"She's spending a few nights there, Ally thinks it's best for her training. You both were distracting her." Daniel huffs, sorting through papers on his desk.

Evan grunting beside me, I cross my arms against my chest. Distracting her, he couldn't be serious. "You're lying."

There was no way he or Ally thought that. Adira's trained every second she could. Not once have Evan and I interfered. We made sure every morning she was up to train. We brought her food, water, anything she asked just so she could continue training. Ally watched us basically wait on her hand and foot. Evan and I believed in Adira, we knew what she could do, we weren't going to hold her back.

Wide eyed, Daniel turns his attention to me instead of whatever bullshit he had piled on his desk. "I'm telling you what Ally told me. She's training her, how she decides to do so is her business. You've got a problem with how my mate runs things we can have a chat outside."

Scowling at him I push forward in my chair, Evan's hand clamping down on my shoulder holding me in my place. "Then we'll go to them. They shouldn't be alone there anyways." Evan shrugged, dropping his hand from me. Glancing at him beside me, I watch as he picks a piece of lint from his armchair.

Standing up from my chair I shove my hands into my pockets. "I'll go pack."

Wiping his hands down his face Daniel leans back in his chair. "Neither of you will be permitted on Luna Margaret's land. There is a no male wolves rule. Fortunately she made an exception for Trevor. However, I doubt she would do so for you." Daniel smirked up at me. "Now, while I appreciate your concern for my daughter it's unwarranted. Ally would never do anything to put her in harms way. We are her parents, trust that we know what's best."

I almost laughed out loud while he spoke. Best, he knows what's best? He fucking lost her and didn't even find her. She lived her whole life with her fucking kidnapper and still thought of him as her father. Daniel didn't know what was best, not for Adira, even if he thought he did.

Clenching my fists in my pockets I try to take a deep breath. Restraining myself from bringing up the fact they'd lost her once. Their best wasn't good enough. I needed to know Adira is okay. I'd link her if she didn't put up that Goddess damn wall. Adira was up to something and I didn't know what it was. I had to be there to figure it out. What if she was planning to run? Ally couldn't stop her, she isn't fast enough.

"Best for her or best for you?" I snort.

Tossing his chair back Daniel jumped up, slamming his fists on his desk. "Out of my office now! Both of you!" He pointed towards the door, his eyes on mine flashing gold.

His wolf wanted out and I wished he'd let the beast free. Daniel and I have been doing this back and forth crap for too long. He was alright sometimes but the way he thought he had a say over what I did was becoming infuriating. Adira wasn't here to calm me or my wolf, Ally wasn't here to talk Daniel down, and Evan is to pussy to say anything to anyone. Today might be the day we actually get to fight this out. Atleast one good thing could come from Adira being away.

It was already dark and all day I'd been edgy waiting for Adira to return. Dinner served and eaten, cleaned up, the hushed voices around the table, it was maddening. Even my family felt awkward without Adira here. There was no reason for any of us to be here without Adira present, we didn't belong. Owen and Phillip implied as much earlier. All of us came here for one reason, Adira, and she wasn't here anymore. I'd expected her to be back before dark. It's my fault, I should have asked for more details, but I shouldn't have been left in the dark about their plans. Daniel defending their lies is the last straw. I'm done sitting here and waiting patiently, everyone's all talk, I want action.

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