Chapter Fifty-Two

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Sitting on my bed I watch as Noal closes my door. His fingers turning the lock into place before he spins around. His wolf pushing forward. I can feel his lust, and it sparks a need of my own inside of me. With long strides Noal's tearing his clothes off staring at me with a heated gaze. Every step causing my stomach to flip, my heart beat a little faster and my core to dampen.

His knee coming up onto the bed I fall back on my elbows. My eyes never leaving his. My chest rises and falls quicker then before. My body feeling unbearably hot all of a sudden. Over dressed compared to Noal. My sweats and socks a lot less sexy than he was right now.

Noal's hand gripping my ankle, he yanks me closer making me gasp. Slowly Noal pulled my socks off. Grabbing onto my hips and lifting me up, sliding my sweatpants down. Setting me back onto the bed, my hips hanging off the edge. I fist my bedding to stop myself from sliding off. Noal's eyes never leaving mine. He tosses my pants to the floor and digs his fingers into my thighs. Kneeling and placing my knees over his shoulders. Every quick breath thickening the air around me, causing my brain to fog. My lust all I can smell each time I inhale. I feel Noal's nose swipe up against my folds, my damp panties in the way. I whimper, completely lost in his touch.

Lifting myself up on my elbows I gaze down at Noal between my thighs. His wolf completely taken over. All I see in his eyes is gold. His nostrils flaring with each deep breath as he inhales my scent. Low growls making my core clench. Anticipation and adrenaline making me inpatient and needy. Jerking my hips up off the bed I beg. "Noal."

His eyes glancing up at mine I almost laugh, instead I bite down on my bottom lip. Green and gold flashing back and forth like neither wanted to share control. Until finally they settle on green with gold rimming them beautifully. Squeezing my legs I urge Noal to touch me, to lick me, anything.

Smirking up at me Noal bites down on the inside of my thigh, a scream ripping through me quickly turning to a moan. His tongue licking at the broken layer of skin turning the pain into pleasure. Tingles flowing towards the pit in my stomach. My throat burning from the feral moans he's stealing from deep inside of me. Noal ripping my underwear from my body, tossing the tattered remains aside. Before I can see where they land Noal's tongue is dipping inside of me.

Falling back, my fingers lace themselves in his hair. Tugging and scratching at his scalp in appreciation. Noal growls softly in response, the vibration from it making it feel so much better. Each slow torturous movement of his tongue threatening to push me over the edge. I can't even think or speak. Every second overwhelmingly euphoric. Incoherent words passing my lips as I throw my head back. Noal's tongue sliding up to my clit flicking up and down quickly takes my by suprise, and my body feels like jello. Release spilling from me, my heart hammering in my chest, I let it consume me. "Noal! Yes! Yes! Oh my Goddess." My thighs tightening around his head as I ride it out.

A panting, sweaty mess I let go of Noal's hair and toss my hands up over my head fisting the sheets. Squirming up the bed as Noal stands.

"Take off your sweater." Noal groans.

Peaking through my lashes I catch him rubbing at his hard cock. Tala purring inside of me. My body humming back to life. I jump up and yank my sweater off. Getting on my knees and reaching out for him. My fingers timidly hovering over his. "Can I..?" I nervously whisper.

Noal's other hand guiding mine to his shaft, I inhale a sharp breath as it pulsates under my fingers. My tongue darting out to lick my lips watching the tip drip with need. Noal moves my hand up and down with his. I try to touch my fingers together but he's to thick. When my hand moves to the tip I slide my thumb over the liquid. Yanking my hand from his, bringing my finger to my mouth. Curious, I slide it passed my lips and moan. It tasted unlike anything I'd every tasted before. Surprised and smiling I glance up into his eyes and his wolf's taken over. A loud growl piercing my ears.

Sight And SorriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora