Chapter Nine

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Ben was kind enough to turn his back to me, acting as a sort of curtain between myself and the people around. Peeling off my pants and top I quickly pull on Evan's shirt. "Thanks again, Nice guy." I smile. Adjusting the huge shirt I make sure it's fully covering me.

Peaking over his shoulder he smiles back at me. "No problem."

"Want me to shield you?" I joke. I'd be the worst person to hide behind. My short frame makes it impossible for people to hide behind me.

Thankfully my 5'2 self can hide behind almost everyone.

"I'm good." He chuckles, pulling off his top and unbuckling his belt.

It feels like I'm watching something I shouldn't be, so I turn around anyways.

Cammy already dressed in her brothers shirt as she walks down the dock, Jesse's on her trail like a lost puppy.

I'd root for them as a couple if I didn't already know Cammy doesn't do relationships. Nothing long term anyways. Her and Claire were the same in that regard.

However as I glance from Jesse to Gavin I realize they're also very different. Claire likes guys who don't settle down, guys who play the feild just as well as she does. Cammy likes guys who aren't pigs.

I could be wrong though. The only information I've got is based of Jesse and Gavin. Maybe Cammy likes jerks too occasionally.

A hand presses on my upper back nudging me towards Cammy and Jesse. The polite placement telling me it's Ben even before I gaze up at him. "Your friends won't care you ditched them?"

Shrugging he lowers his hand. "They'll start eating each other's faces soon enough and ignore everything and everyone around them, even me."

My toes in the sand I hold back a giggle. Looking down at my feet, the grains slipping between my toes.

Glancing up at Cammy I smile. "Yeah, I've seen them around school." I mumble to Ben.

Snorting he shakes his head. "Everyone has."

The wood on the docks slimy and wet under my feet. Each step making a crackling sound, the old wood needing to be replaced.

The moon shines light down on everyone in the water. The platform pushed out far. People jumping off of it and screeching like they didn't mean to jump.

The second Evan starts pulling himself onto the platform I watch with interest. Was he on the swim team too? Unlikely, he's to built to be able to glide through the water.

I'm guessing his strength could make him a stronger swimmer than humans though. He might be able to out lap someone. In a short race he'd probably lose.

With the moon to his back he poses on the platform and casts a large shadow. Girls whistling around him and guys splashing him while they groan. Evan's laughter heard above them all as it travels back to shore.

Cammy's gagging noises making me laugh. I turn my attention to her.

"Who's jumping in first?" Ben speaks up.

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