250: Interlude - Kimi's Perfect Run (1)

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Chapter 250: Interlude — Kimi's Perfect Run (1)

It was morning, the soft sunlight fell over her eyelids, accompanied by the ringing school bell, Kimi's eyes abruptly sprung open with decisive shock.

"Young master..."

Memories returned and Kimi jumped up from her seat, looking around in haste. She was in an office, from the looks of it – a school office – though there was no one else present except for her.

"That... that magic worked."

The Dimensional Coupon worked. This wasn't her world anymore, and she was the only of the five girls who ended up here.

'But where is this?' She had no idea. Though she was wearing a different outfit than before, she had no memories of how she ended up here. This wasn't simple teleportation, she didn't have her cat ears and tail. Though she did have an ID card hanging from her neck with her name on it.
Name: Kimi Sugihara

Age: 34

Blood Type: O+

Occupation: School Teacher

Workplace: Kuoh High

The photo on the card wasn't hers. It showed a typical blonde woman with blue eyes, and as Kimi watched – the generic face replaced itself with her own, more beautiful one.

'The reality just rewrote itself.'

She had replaced someone else who existed in this world. She just hoped that person didn't have a family. Though even if she did, in the end – Kimi couldn't be bothered that much.

'But Kuoh High...' Unless that was just pure coincidence, she was currently inside the High School DxD verse. 'That trash anime.'

In the end, suspicious that the person she just replaced wasn't a normal teacher (given that, well, she worked in a magical school) Kimi decided to use her authority over Space-and-Time to look into her past.

With a thought she first cast a high-class [Block Sense] magic around the room, to stop the devils from sensing the magic being used here, and then she cast one of her exclusive spells.

[Eyes of the Time]

Wheels over wheels of magic circles appeared over her head and in the next instant, her blue eyes spun as two phantom blue clocks replaced her pupils. Her eyes effortlessly saw the flow of time, the future and the past of this room, making her smile.

She didn't bother looking at the future since it's an unstable flow, and rather focused on the past, observing as a blonde woman slept on the chair, her body slowly being replaced by someone else, someone more beautiful, with cat ears and tail that soon faded into nothingness. At last, the most complex and powerful thing of Kimi emerged, a small mole under her lips that didn't exist before she became a magical girl.

That mole... it wasn't actually a mole. But that's for later.

Kimi rewinded the scene a few seconds behind, making the other woman appear again. Then, she used another magic that'd let her know everything about the woman.

Kimi, standing in the rewinding time with a half-transparent body, pointed a finger at the woman and shot a bolt of Mana at her. The mana spread like blue spider webs on her body upon hitting the woman as three complex magic circles appeared above her. Swiftly, the spell activated.

[Tempest Ask - Target Locked]

Tempest Ask was one of Yue's spells, and only Kimi managed to learn that out of all the other girls. Yue could ask the reality for an answer and it would give her that answer without any objection. Kimi's wasn't on the same level as Yue, though. She could only use it on a single, living target, weaker than herself. (Though the Living Part didn't matter for Kimi given her Time abilities. Like what she was doing right now). As time would pass she would probably get to a level beyond Yue's, and time she had plenty of.

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