307: Kurai's Journey to the West (1)

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Master4thWall Note: Basically found writing the Kurai story fun, and also had to take a longer time planning the outline of the Volume-3. So extended this Omake Arc to six chapters. But since many of you didn't agree to the idea of the Kurai Chapters, I have decided to post all six in a single day. I am posting 3 chapters now, and 3 more will be out in six hours. Merry Christmas!

Chapter 307: Kurai's Journey to the West (1)

Volume 2.5 — Omake 1

[Two Months Ago]

In this world of Ninja and Samurai; Kurai woke up extremely confused.

Instinctively, from the Nature Energy present in the air, Kurai could tell that this was a world very different from where she was born; where her Papa found her cold in a street and gave her such power and intelligence that she was incapable of even imagining back then.

Immediately, she got worried—what happened? Wasn't she fighting while fused with her Papa? How did she end up in this place? Did that last breath of fire kill Papa...? Did her death powers somehow save her from dying and reincarnate her in this new world, while Papa perished alone?

At that moment, a system prompt popped up in front of her eyes.

[Ding! You have received a memory packet. Would you like to view them?]


Kurai tilted her head to the side, frowning, before she decided to accept the offer. With a thought, a surge of new memories found their way into her brain as her eyes widened.

In this world, it appeared that she was a summonable creature, able to use 'Nature Chakra'—however, beyond that, she didn't have a real background in this world. Everything else was hollow as if it was a fake backstory made by someone.

Once the further confused Kurai began to inspect the memories more, she sighed in relief when she found out who her summoning partner was.

'Papa is alright; he is in this world too.'

Kurai didn't have any idea of what had happened, or how they ended up here, but she knew she didn't need to worry. Because her Papa was alive and well.

Soon, as Kurai began to relax—she felt a pull in her existence as she got excited, feeling Neji summoning her.


Dark smoke devoured her, and when it vanished, Kurai found herself in the air above Neji. She grinned wide and jumped on his face.


"Hey, cutie."

"You are not dead!" Kurai hugged him. "We are not dead!"

* * *

After their first meeting, Neji allowed Kurai a great load of freedom in this world. Mischievously, Kurai planned to accuse Neji of only calling her when he needed her; even though in truth, she was delighted at this much freedom.

As for the reason for such freedom, her Papa would be busy on his own in search of her Mommy and four aunties. Kurai decided that she wanted to help. However, she didn't want to tell him that, she feared that he would laugh and tease her. So Kurai planned to perform her own Search Mission in the animal kingdom side of the world, while Neji searched the human world.

It would surprise most humans if they realized how easy it was to find lost things if you could communicate with the animals. That was why, on the first night when Kurai and Neji appeared in this world, she spent the night in the forest nearby, interrogating (bullying) the native beasts in the forest to ask them about the five women.

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