302: I am done here (2)

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Chapter 302: I am done here (2)


When the Infinite Tsukuyomi first initiated, Tsunade was already done talking to her long-time-dead ex, Dan Kato.

The talk went more smoothly than Tsunade had initially expected for it to go. To her, Dan was as understanding as ever. However, at this point, Tsunade didn't want to think about the talk any longer, as the things that had ended should stay that way.

Right before the Infinite Tsukuyomi had ended, Dan used one of his soul Jutsu to un-cast the Reanimation Jutsu on himself. Immediately after that, the divine illusion of the Tsukuyomi started and Tsunade was drawn within her own dreams.

This time, she didn't dream of a fulfilling life with Dan or Jiraiya. The person she saw herself in the dream was someone else entirely; someone whom she knew she would end up with even after the dream ended.

The dream did end at some point, who knew how long had passed? Tsunade forgot everything she dreamed of, just like the other victims, however the sweet and addictive feeling of love did remain within her heart.

* * *

The sun was rising in the dark eastern sky while Tsunade was standing against a tree and gazing at it.

She was in Konoha at the moment, as Neji had teleported her here with Dan; therefore, the remaining Konoha people were scattered around her. Though none were close to her, unwilling to disturb the peace that was being reflected in her smile towards the sky.

At one point, when the sun peeked from above the Hokage mountain, a group of three teleported into the middle of the newly made Konoha.

Instantly, the remnants of Konoha Ninjas who were spread across the terrain all flinched in high alert as they sensed three seas of chakra threatening to wash over them.

Everyone watched in nervous silence as the three people— amongst whom the male one looked particularly similar to Neji Hyuga, but with short hair and a different sort of attire on his wearing— approached Tsunade with slow steps.

* * *

The tallest member of the group, a chocolate-skinned beauty with two pairs of bunny ears, crossed her arms and tilted her head as she looked down on Tsunade; Tsunade who had stopped looking up at the sky, and rather met the strange woman's gaze somewhat nervously.

"So this is that woman, Neji?"

The dark-skinned woman asked as she moved her head to look at Neji, causing her long flare of white hair to move from one side to another in a soothing manner.

"The one for whom you killed me once."

"I told you it's not her fault,"

Neji said with a sigh, slowly walking up and putting an arm around Tsunade.

After glaring at Neji for a moment, Rumi groaned before reluctantly shrugging her shoulders.

"Whatever, bastard Neji."


Seeing that the situation wasn't that serious and Neji seemed to be close with this strange woman, Tsunade sighed a little. Somewhat hesitantly, she started to whisper in his ears to ask him what was going on.

"Ah, that."

Neji nodded and decided to explain to the whole crowd, rather than just herself.

"Apologies to everyone,"

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