310: Kurai's Journey to the West (4)

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Chapter 310: Kurai's Journey to the West (4)

Volume 2.5 – Omake 4

Kurai was more hyped than mad when the robots attacked—more so when they exploded into blitzars when she smacked them with the transformed Enma.

As the robots had shot towards Kurai just before getting destroyed, an explosion happened where she was standing. But Kurai had jumped up in the sky in time.

She wanted to wait out here for reinforcements to come so that she could fight some more. But when she suggested that, Enma had a different idea.

"Let's not,"

Enma said as he transformed back to his normal form, and from a pocket that was stuck to his thigh—thick yellow clouds came out and placed themselves below his feet to keep him in the air.

"These mechanisms clearly were just stationed to blow air inside the city to keep the smoke and fog balanced for the humans—yet they had such devastating fighting powers. I don't wish to find out just yet how strong the fighting-based mechanisms would be." Enma yanked Kurai by her tail and placed her on the cloud. "We leave this place, go to some remote human village, and continue our investigation from there."

"Tch." Kurai clicked her tongue, grumpy, but didn't argue. She could see his point, and there indeed may be forces that she might not be able to handle. Warning Neji that she was in danger and needed to be saved was the last thing Kurai wanted to happen.

Thereafter, the Nimbus Cloud began to move forward once more and this time the goal was to find a rundown village, rather than a steampunk metropolis.

* * *

Despite the first impression of an advanced steampunk fantasy world, it turned out this continent did have rundown villages and towns. In their short journey through the sky, Kurai and Enma came across a few towns located far from each other, and at last even a village.

"In the end, no matter how powerful the government, the entire continent shouldn't be at the same level of advance—otherwise they would have invaded our east by now," Enma said as the Nimbus Cloud started to lower towards the human village. "By the way, do you know how to use the Transformation Jutsu?"

"Mhm? Yes, I do. Why?" Kurai asked with a tilt of her head as Enma nodded in satisfaction.

"Transform into a human. I am also going to. It's better to use disguise since last time it was most possibly our appearance that alerted the things you call 'robots'. Those might not exist in this village, but you can never be too careful." Enma finished.

Enma locked fingers in front of him, and with a set of swift movements, he initiated the Jutsu. Smoke came out of his body, and when it dissipated his appearance was unrecognizable—actually, Kurai would say he did look recognizable, as if all his fur was shaved and he had normal human skin, otherwise he looked the same.

"Now it's your turn." Enma looked at Kurai who hesitated before sighing, and then—with no gesture at all—used the Jutsu that Enma had to use multiple hand seals for. "Huh..."

As the smoke dissipated from around Kurai's body, her small cat form was replaced by a tall, blonde cat-girl wearing dark gothic attire.

"Ah right," the woman, Kurai, spoke. "I could always have used this method to show the appearance of the people I am looking for...! This appearance is that of my mommy, by the way."

Enma blinked at that realization, and though it was careless how she missed that point—he couldn't blame him since he forgot too.

"Since I am doing this anyway, let me show you their appearance one by one!" Kurai suggested cheerfully.

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