Chapter 101

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Chapter 101 Search Warrant

    Chayuan killed the envoy sent by the upper realm to attract the immortals, which caused an uproar in the immortal world. After learning that she was a demon god who refused to ascend in ancient times, she was even more shocked.

    Usually, when someone ascends to the throne, all the immortals will send congratulatory gifts, and Chayuan is arranged in the Demon God Palace originally prepared for her, but no one cares about it.

    The Demon God's Palace has been abandoned for several years, and many weeds have grown, attracting many small animals to build their nests, making the palace a mess.

    Because of the strong immortal energy in the upper realm, many animals and plants became spiritual and became spirits, scattered all over the magic palace.

    There are also many gods and beasts, occupying the land here as the king, and pulling the spirits and monsters under their command, the entire Demon God Palace is like a small primitive tribe.

    Chayuan called up a few demon generals from the demon palace in the lower realm. They weaved spirit monsters and beasts into a team, and reorganized the palace of gods and demons so that it could barely accommodate people.

    Chayuan would put Ye Jingzhuo in the courtyard every day, let him bask in the sun, and water it twice a day with his heart's blood.

    He didn't know at first that Chayuan was feeding him with heart blood, she diluted the blood in a bottle every time, and didn't pour it directly with blood.

    Once, she had a little blood on her finger, and Ye Jingzhuo noticed it, and began to refuse to absorb the nourishment in the water.

    He grew slowly, and it took several days for Cha Yuan to realize that he hadn't grown at all, and only then did he realize his rejection.

    The tea kite had nothing to do, but stopped thinking about pouring blood from his heart: "I don't need blood to feed you in the future, you absorb the blood in the flowerpot, don't waste it, my blood is precious." He moved the leaves,

    like Nodding in general.

    In a flash, a month passed, and Chayuan paid attention to his growth every day. He grew very slowly, and only a small part of it grew in a month.

    Chayuan couldn't help but feel a little anxious. She remembered that in the prophecy, he grew up in the holy pool. If he was watered with holy spring water, would it be more useful to him.

    She immediately used her spiritual sense to explore the location of the holy spring. The gate of the holy spring was heavily guarded, and there were many guards patrolling around.

    Chayuan observed for a few days and found that the patrolling guards would be handed over every three days, and at this time they could enter without anyone noticing.

    She waited for a few more days, and before the handover, she hid in a cloud in front of the holy pool in advance. When the guards were handed over, a stream of air flashed past, and soon disappeared without a trace, and no one noticed.

    After Chayuan entered, she realized that the holy pool was not an ordinary pool, and the immortal energy here was more intense. The spring in the center of the holy pool is constantly tumbling, and the water is full of rich fairy energy, almost milky white.

    The spring water was almost level with the edge of the pool, but not a single drop of water splashed out, and the ground around the pool was clean and not wet at all.

    Cha Yuan was not familiar with the upper realm at all, she wondered whether the immortal energy in the entire fairy world came from the holy spring.

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