Chapter 102

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Chapter 102 End of Text

    Sure enough, within half a day, the heavenly soldiers searched the Palace of Gods and Demons. After they showed the search warrant, they immediately sealed off the palace. The Heavenly Soldiers placed an artifact to detect immortal energy on the Demon God's Palace, searched carefully for a long time, did not miss a single corner, and retreated when they found nothing unusual.

    Chayuan breathed a sigh of relief. If she put it directly in the storage bag, she would definitely be discovered. Fortunately, she made preparations in advance and was not discovered.

    After the Heavenly Soldiers left, she didn't relax her vigilance immediately. After searching the Demon God's Palace, she made sure that they didn't hold anything back, and then released the Taobao.

    Tea kite opened Taozhen's mouth and took out the holy spirit grass. The barrier wrapped around his body was corroded until only a thin layer remained.

    Tao Teng was taken aback, and quickly explained: "I didn't do it, I protected him very carefully, but my stomach couldn't help but wanted to digest him, and I tried my best not to melt all the barriers. "

    Cha Yuan glanced at it, apparently not believing that it would be so honest and not swaying its mind, but because it had evil intentions but no courage, it let it go.

    Tao Tie is greedy by nature, it hears from Cha Yuan's consciousness that heavenly soldiers are coming to search, and thinks of what its master has hidden in its stomach. It was only then that he realized that he had underestimated this fairy grass. He was afraid that it had a big background. It kept secreting saliva from its mouth, and couldn't help adding a few mouthfuls to the enchantment.

    A lot of mouths to be exact.

    When the barrier was about to shatter, it had a clear mind. It could not disobey the master's order, otherwise it would become food for others.

    Cha Yuan knew that it would be risky to hide Ye Jingzhuo in the stomach of Tao Tie. It was a beast that couldn't control its appetite, so it applied a thick barrier on the surface. Not only that, but a divine seal was added inside. If the outer barrier was broken and touched the inner barrier, she would feel it immediately.

    Fortunately, Tao Tiao was not stupid enough to oppose her, otherwise today would be its death day.

    Half a year later, under the careful care of the tea kite, the holy spirit grass finally bloomed. It was a delicate white flower, and each petal exuded a bright white light, which was extremely pure and beautiful.

    Chayuan couldn't help but touch it, the pink spot of the stamen, he shyly closed the petals, not letting her touch it.

    She smiled brightly like a peach, her laughter was as clear as a silver bell, and her upturned eyes were full of coquettish charm.

    Chayuan wrapped him with immortal power and examined his whole body carefully. She was pleasantly surprised to find that he would be able to transform into a human form in a short time.

    The melancholy on her brows was swept away, and she treated the beasts in the palace with a kind of sympathy.

    Everyone knows that the master is in a good mood these days, but most of them don't know why she is happy, only Tao Teng knows how much, maybe it is because of the flowering of the fairy grass.

    The Demon God's Palace was organized in an orderly manner, and everything was on track. The beasts working in the palace were all free, and when they were free, they couldn't help but gather together and talk badly.

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