Chapter 181-185

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Chapter 181 My Poor and the Treasure

He discarded it like a trash, and someone would always regard it as a treasure. It's not that Xue Jin didn't think about redeeming this relationship, but he couldn't take that step for a long time.

After doing that kind of thing, how could he have the face to appear in front of Xiao Yezi again?

Originally thinking that in a few days, when the resentment in Xiao Yezi's heart subsided, he would muster up the courage to appear in front of that person again, be it beaten or scolded, Xue Jin originally thought that as long as he was dead skinned With a bad face, the soft-hearted Xiao Yezi will definitely choose to forgive him in the end.

But what Xue Jin didn't expect was that during the days when he was hesitant and didn't know what to do, his own brother would seize the opportunity and strike without hesitation.

I don't know where I heard about what he did to Xiao Yezi. The younger brother who was not very close to him suddenly appeared in front of him that day, and without saying a word, he punched him hard. He slammed it on the stomach without leaning, making Xue Jin unable to get up from the bed for several days.

If he felt a little aggrieved at the beginning, it was inexplicable, but after hearing from the servants that Xue Hui ran to the palace every three days, pestering a little follower named Xiao Yezi, he understood everything.

So, does his younger brother actually like Xiao Yezi? When he didn't realize it? That's right, a little sun who is always smiling, who wouldn't like it?

It was from that time that Xue Jin vaguely realized that he had no chance. Some things, once lost, could never be kept back.

So, while he was busy revitalizing the Xue family, his younger brother was busy pursuing Xiao Yezi.

Originally, a few days ago, Xue Hui suddenly stopped going to the palace and devoted himself to the Ministry of Industry. After Xue Jin heard the news, he kept silent on the surface, but he couldn't stop jumping for joy in his heart.

He thought Xiao Yezi rejected Xue Hui, he thought he still had a chance, but it turned out that he was just self-righteous from beginning to end.

The reason why Xue Hui did that was not because Xiao Yezi rejected him righteously, nor did he lose interest after three minutes of enthusiasm, but because he wanted to have a well-known identity and come to marry Xiao Yezi dignifiedly!

It wasn't until today, when Xue Hui spread everything out in front of his father, that Xue Jin realized how wrong he was.

Ask yourself, if it were him, would he have the courage to fall out with the Xue family and break up with his father for Xiao Yezi?

The answer is, yes, as long as everything can go back, he can also do this for Xiao Yezi. Sadly, how can time be turned back?

His sweetheart is about to wear a bright red wedding gown, and is going to marry his younger brother in a dignified manner, but he can only hide aside and watch secretly. Taking a look, licking the wound silently, as long as Xue Jin thinks of this scene in his mind, his heart will feel as if he is being tightly grasped by someone's hands. He couldn't breathe.

Since that incident, every time Xue Jin dreamed back at midnight, what appeared in front of his eyes was the picture of Xiao Yezi being stepped on the ground, the flesh and blood of one hand was scalded by hot oil, and the corner of his mouth was still bleeding. The big eyes were full of begging, despair and disbelief, but he just stood aside and watched with cold eyes.

Xue Jin roared and roared, how he wished to wake up the self in the dream, let him put aside all worries, and hug Xiao Yezi, who fell on the ground and suffered pain, in his arms, but every time he woke up from the dream, he did not wake up. can succeed.

I wondered countless times, if he had made another decision at that time, would everything be different now, would it be Xue Jin who was full of joy and waiting to marry his beautiful wife, isn't it Little Yezi? Will put on a wedding dress for him?

But there is no medicine for regret in this world, right now, my younger brother wants to marry him. The Venerable Master, but he wanted to marry a woman he had never met before, saying it was for the sake of the Xue family and for his father, but since he grew up, didn't he pay enough for the Xue family? When is it your turn to make a decision for yourself? He is really tired, so tired that he wants to throw away the burden on his shoulders and fly away, but without Xiao Yezi by his side, he can't feel happy wherever he flies!

He punched hard on the wooden pillar beside him, Xue Jin suddenly smiled, with tears in his eyes, after a long while, he squatted down again, and buried his head deeply in his hands .

Xiao Ye Zi, his little Ye Zi, that boy who looked like a rabbit, those admiring eyes, from now on, they are no longer his!

Xue Jin on this side was buried by regret, while Xue Hui on the other side let his own decision make the Xue Mansion go crazy. He ran to the palace again at this moment, holding the cloth he had carefully selected in his hand. , Let the embroiderer sew a bright red wedding dress!

Ever since she knew that the young master had agreed to that person's marriage proposal, Xiao Yezi couldn't figure out what it was like, whether it was sweeter or more anxious.

On this day, when I was working in the palace, I was so distraught that I sprinkled salt as sugar into the flour to make pastries, and used firewood as a rolling pin, which ended up destroying a pot of freshly made dough. After being kicked out by the unbearable cook, Xiao Ye Zi bumped into a tree while walking, and was ridiculed by the young man who happened to see this scene. As a result, Xiao Ye Zi's little face couldn't hold back anymore. After stomping her feet, she ran back to her room in a daze. Sitting on the edge of the bed, the whole person was emptied.

As a result, when he was in a trance, the window of the room was pushed open from the outside, and then a figure jumped in from the window, Xiao Yezi, who was unable to recover in time, was shocked.

Before he could utter the questioning words, Xiao Yezi was thrown onto the bed, and the visitor, with brute force, grabbed his little face and kissed him fiercely, and his face was covered with saliva.

How can Deng Tuzi not be afraid of death? Dare to trespass into the palace, Xiao Yezi snorted coldly in her heart, just about to make a slap in the face, but the voice in her ear stopped Xiao Yezi's actions in an instant.

"Xiaobao, Xiaobao, you will be mine in two days. I'm so happy, really happy!" Xue Hui was really excited. The people under him were not only his savior, but also a few days later, It was a matter of course to become his wife, a treasure he had missed for a long time and almost missed!

Hearing the sound of Xiaobao, Xiao Yezi felt sweet in her heart, but she refused to show it on the surface, with a stern face, very arrogant.

"Fuck you, you apprentice who jumped out of the window, who do you call Xiaobao? Believe it or not, I will file a complaint with the young master, and strengthen my defenses, so as not to be taken advantage of by you thief!" Xiao Yezi snorted twice, mouth He didn't forgive anyone, but it didn't stop Xue Hui, a big man, from pressing on him.

Xue Hui naturally understood Xiao Yezi's temperament, with a sharp mouth and a soft tofu heart, instead of being threatened, he moved his mouth shamelessly to kiss Xiao Yezi's eyebrows and eyes.

"Xiaobao, my father doesn't agree, so why don't you get me into the palace? Don't be angry. I brought a wedding dress here today. Can you show me the clothes?" Xue Hui said this cautiously. It's different with a well-thought-out plan. Xue Hui has experienced the bitter taste of his own baby standing next to others, but he can only watch secretly. Therefore, Xue Hui is extremely cautious when dealing with Xiao Yezi, for fear that Xiao Yezi will not be happy if he is not happy. After marrying him, he really doesn't know what to do when the time comes.

In fact, Mr. Xue would disagree, it was completely expected by Xiao Yezi, the young master reminded him just now, don't get in a bad mood because of this, so Xiao Yezi really didn't feel too angry at the moment.

Push and push. Xue Hui, who was on the bed, sat up along the edge of the bed, Xiao Ye Zi also had his own anxiety and never mentioned it to anyone, and he wanted to tell Xue Hui himself before putting on his wedding dress.

"That, that, I want to ask you something, you have to answer me truthfully!" Xiao Yezi twisted her sleeves, feeling a little nervous in her heart.

Seeing Xiao Yezi's expression, Xue Hui also put away the indecency on his face, put one hand on Xiao Yezi's waist, Xue Hui corrected the expression on the front, and put on an expression of listening attentively.

When Xiao Yezi saw this scene, she didn't know how to speak. After a long time, she staggered and opened her mouth: "Just... that is, do you mind, mind that I used to be with... and that People have been in love before!"

Xiao Yezi said, his eyes were red, he really didn't want to mention it again, but he was afraid that Xue Hui would care, after all kinds of embarrassments, Xiao Yezi finally asked!

When Xue Hui heard this, he didn't answer immediately, but stared blankly at Xiao Ye Zi with a pair of eyes, making Xiao Ye Zi more and more uneasy, and his eyes became more and more red.

Just when Xiao Yezi exhausted all his courage and was about to run away, his once scorched flesh turned out, and even after healed, the hand that still left ugly scars on the back of his hand was gently touched by Xue Hui. He raised it to his mouth and kissed it delicately.

Xue Hui grabbed Xiao Ye Zi's wrist, not allowing Xiao Ye Zi to withdraw his hand. From between his fingers to his palm, Xue Hui kissed all the way down with a distressed look on his face. The kiss was delicate and engrossing.

"I don't mind. It's not Xiaobao's fault. It's that person's fault. It's also my fault. If I had appeared earlier and found you earlier, Xiaobao wouldn't have to suffer so much. It's my fault for showing up so late. It's so untimely!" These words are all from Xue Hui's heart, without any falsehood.

Xue Jin is his own brother, so even if he does too much, Xue Hui can only turn against him, not become enemies. This is where Xue Hui feels ashamed of Xiao Yezi, if it is not for this blood relationship , Xue Hui really wished he could beat that man to death with his own hands, and he would be relieved only after he was beaten!

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