Chapter VIII: Act XII

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An Archon's Follower
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Paimon's eyes widened in amazement. "Whoa, really? Then do you know how we can meet her?" She asked.

Dunyarzad gave an apologetic smile. "I'm afraid I can't help you with that, but your conversation earlier did happen to remind me of a legend about the Dendro Archon," she answered.

The group looked at each other before looking back at the female before them.

"What sort of legend?" Aether finally piped up.

Dunyarzad nodded. "Sure. It goes like this: Long, long ago, there was a man who heard a prophecy. It predicted that a great calamity was about to befall him. Panicked by what he heard, the man sought out the Dendro Archon in the hopes that she would bless him with the wisdom to help him escape his predicament. The man journeyed across deserts and through rainforests, and experienced tribulation of every kind. However, he still couldn't find any trace of the Dendro Archon. In despair, he thought, "Alas, the Archon has abandoned me!" He then had no choice but to sorrowfully resign to his fate," she explained.

(F/n) stared in interest even though they'd heard this fairytale way too many times back in their and (Y/n)'s previous world.

"Okay... and then what happened?" Paimon asked, intrigued about the story.

"And then... the calamity came! But to his own surprise, the man felt somehow emboldened by the trials of his journey. By relying on his own strength, he managed to overcome the adversity. At that moment, a bird perched upon his shoulder. This bird was, in fact, an avatar of the Dendro Archon. She said: "O archon-seeker, do you now understand? She and her wisdom have long been found by you. Along your journey, we were in every flower and blade of grass, every ray of sparkling sun, and every breath of dancing wind. So long as you continue to think and ponder, we'll be wherever you go"," Dunyarzad retorted.

"What an amazing story," Aether said in silent awe.

(Y/n) furrowed his brows at this information as memories of the past danced around in his head, creating a cluster of messes.

Paimon nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah, thanks for the story. Paimon feels all warm and fuzzy inside after that!" She exclaimed.

Dunyarzad giggled. "Hehe, in a way, it seems like this story is also one of the Dendro Archon's avatars," she replied.

"Dunyarzad, since you worship Lesser Lord Kusanali, can you tell us anything else about her?" Paimon questioned.

"Of course! So, did you four know that..." Dunyarzad began but went silent as she looked ahead for a few seconds before looking at the group once more, "Uh... Umm, I'm terribly sorry but it seems something's come up now. Let's chat another day!" Dunyarzad quickly apologized before rushing off.

Paimon made a sound of confusion. "Hey, wait! What the heck just happened?" She asked.

The group looked over their shoulders and took notice of two men that seemed way too out of place.

"I think it has something to do with those people over there," Aether answered.

(F/n) placed a hand on their chin before sweatdropping in realization.

"It looks like they're searching for someone... Hmm, Dunyarzad was suddenly acting nervous just now. You think they're looking for her?" Paimon wondered.

An angry huff then left Paimon's lips. "This stinks! We finally managed to find a lead about Lesser Lord Kusanali. We can't let them get in the way now! Let's see if we can get rid of them. Then we can catch up with Dunyarzad!" She exclaimed.

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