Seriously Hank?

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Hi Readers: I wanted to let you guys know that I have decided to start another story on here, and that I have decided that I am going to concentrate on that story for a bit. However, that doesn't mean that I'm not going to give you some content on this story. Rather, I just believe that it will only be one update per day if that's okay. So, you still get this story; but you get it less often, subject to change. Hope you guys are okay with that and are interested in reading my other story called: Old Friends, New Love. Enjoy that one too.

He had to expect this, he had to expect that he was going to be angry; especially after what he just did to them, how he just walked into their room. For Christ's sake Henry, their bedroom. Why in the world would he honestly believe that Jay and Alex want you up in their room? The room where Jay was in the midst of making love to his wife, until he was disturbed by his father-in-law of all people. And just great, so much for him being able to yell at his father-in-law; but he can't do it when they're down here, his beautiful children. Then again, he should've expected that his kids are down here; and that actually helps him, because it means that he can take them to their room much faster. Because that's where the twins are headed just as soon as breakfast is ready, as he and Alex want to spend the day in bed with them. But first, he needs to talk to his father-in-law. "So, you are a very lucky man that my children are down here." Turning his head as he heard Jay say that, Henry Voight agreed with him; after all, he could clearly see that he was quite upset.

Not that upset would even describe how Jay was currently feeling, as he was furious. I mean, did Hank really believe that was a good idea? For him to come upstairs. But you know what, it's not time to concentrate on that; at least not that part of it, because he doesn't like the thought of him interrupting them. "Yeah, I had a feeling that we were going to talk about that." Just looking at his father-in-law as he said that, Jay was shocked that he didn't KNOW that they were going to talk about it. "I hope you meant know, because you should've known that this was going to be brought up as soon as I got a chance to do just that." Taking a breath as he heard Jay say that, Hank nodded as he knew that was the case; he knew that this was something they had to talk about, right now. "Hank, what the hell were you thinking when you came upstairs? Did you really think that it was a good idea?" Hank just sighed as he turned to look at his son-in-law. "And you think it was a good idea for you to have sex with you..." That's when Jay stopped him. "Okay, shut up now."

Hank agreed, doing just that. "Hank, that's OUR BEDROOM that you just walked into. Our bedroom for crying out loud. You know what that space means to us, as it's our only place that we have to ourselves." Hank just looked at Jay when he said that, before realizing what he means. "Oh." Jay agreed with him as he said that, before walking over to Max's dog bowls. "Come here Max, let's get you some food while I talk to grandpa." Barking, Max agreed as he walked over to Jay so that he could get some food this morning; at the same time, Jay continued to speak to his father-in-law. "Hank, you know that we let you here because we want to spend Christmas with you. But at the same time, you also know that you're on very thin ice here with us." Hank agreed with Jay as he said that, before watching as he fed Max. "There we go boy, you eat." Going to do just that, Max ate as he stood at his bowl; at the same time, Jay walked into the kitchen so that he could talk to Hank. "Hank, listen. I get that you want to be with the family at times." Hank agreed.

"But Hank, this is our home; and this is also our place where we get to be husband and wife, which is going to be harder to do. You promised us when you came here that you would give us time to do that, and we agreed that we'd stick to our room." Hank laughed. "I just thought that you wouldn't start so early." Jay just looked at him. "Hank, do you want to be kicked out on your ass? I have full authority to do that. After what you pulled and putting Alex in premature labor with our twins! Well, that means you really are on thin ice. If you think you can push your weight around here, after almost killing my wife and kids; then you're kidding yourself. Did I tell you that Alex's heart stopped while she was giving birth?" Hank was in the middle of cooking when Jay said that, before setting down his utensils. "Oh god." Jay agreed. "Hank, her heart stopped because she got overwhelmed. Hank, do you not realize just how serious that is?" Hank agreed with Jay as he said that, before looking at his son-in-law as he spoke to him this morning in his kitchen.

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