I Needed to Take a Walk (after Having a Bit of PTSD) (2)

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Walking over to bed clad in nothing but his boxers for Gabby this afternoon, Matt couldn't help but smile at just how beautiful she looks right now; and just how comfortable she is there in their bed, which is something that he never expected her to be. But right now, he's just glad that she's comfortable this afternoon. "You comfortable there in our bed?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she was comfortable, as she most certainly was comfortable; and will only get even more comfortable, when the man she loves joins her in bed momentarily. "Just waiting for my man to get in bed, then I'll be very comfortable in his arms." Matt smiled, agreeing with Gabby as she said that; after all, he very much knew that Gabby is always extremely comfortable when she's in his arms. "Oh, I am well aware that's the case. But I just need to do some things first." Gabby agreed, as she was well aware that was the case.

Setting his phone down on his side table charger, Matt smiled as he then proceeded to make his way over to their girls; whom Gabby asked him to check on, prior to joining her in bed. So, he went ahead and did just that; as he didn't want to let his wife, and the love of his life down. "We going to keep watching the Hallmark Channel?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether they're going to keep watching the Hallmark Channel. "If that's okay with you." Matt smiled as he turned his head, and looked at the woman he loves. "As long as we're comfortable in bed, then I'm happy." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "However, we are going to talk about something prior to us even thinking about watching TV; something that you already know that we have to talk about baby, and that you aren't going to be able to get out of talking about...as much as you don't want to talk about it, you know you need to."

Matt agreed with Gabby, before looking at her this afternoon. "You talking about my PTSD?"

Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she was talking about his PTSD, as she most certainly was; as she wanted to talk to him about it the moment she leaned that he had PTSD, as they seem to need to have this conversation again. This conversation regarding what role she's going to play when it comes to his PTSD, even when they're in the hospital. "I think we need to have that conversation again." Taking a breath as he heard Gabby tell him that, Matt just agreed as he already knew exactly what conversation she was talking about; she's talking about the conversation about how her role as his main partner in his PTSD hasn't changed, even though she's a patient here in the NICU. She's still his wife, and biggest partner in life first. And that means that he can't keep secrets from her, especially when it's related to his PTSD. "Baby, I'm just worried about you." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that.

"I know, and I promise we're going to talk about it...I just have a lot on my mind." Looking at Matt, Gabby just got even more worried as she said that. "Then I hope you know what that means." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, as he was well aware of what that means. And that would be that they're going to talk, and that they are going to talk through what he has on his mind right now; which is what they always do, as a team. Especially since Gabby loves him more than anything in the entire world, and she wants to help him in whatever way she can. "Matt, you're my husband; and I love you. I want to help you through this, so that I can maintain my vows. Remember, through sickness and in health. And the health part most certainly includes mental health, when you've been diagnosed with PTSD." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, well aware that was the case; and he's been told that too.

"I promise Gabby, I know that...especially since I was just told that."

Gabby was confused as she heard Matt say that, unsure of what he was talking about. "Who just told you that?" Matt sighed as he turned around and looked at Gabby. "I went to my therapist here at the hospital, had a quick session today; I just wanted to try and figure out ways to talk to you, that wouldn't make you too worried. And I know that I shouldn't do that, but..." Extending her hand, Gabby motioned for the love of her life to come join her in bed. "Hey, come here. Come join me in bed Matt." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before making his way over to bed so that he can joint he woman he loves; and so that he can hold her, as they talk about this. But before he gets in, he wants a promise from his wife. "Promise me something first?" Gabby agreed. "What is it?" Matt sighed. "Promise you won't get mad at me, for going to talk to a therapist before I spoke to you about it?"

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