Late-Morning Snack Time

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the last two chapters that I just wrote for you guys? Well, I love that I wrote them, because they most certainly had to be written. Heck, I am still shocked at how long that flashback chapter was because it was over 8,000 words. But now, after a family blog post; it's time for us to return to present time, where we can concentrate on our family today.

Casey Primary Suite – Even though he just ran into his niece in his boxers (when he was in the backyard with Andy), Matt didn't care as this is his home; and that means that he as every right to walk around in his boxers, if he chooses to do so. Plus, it's really comfortable; and that's why he's currently walking around in his boxers, as he walked into his and Gabby's room. But that wasn't the only thing he was doing at the moment, as he was also noticing that Gabby was currently on her laptop, which isn't something that he's seen her do in a while. "This is a surprise." Turning her head to look up at Matt, Gabby watched as he closed the door to their room; after which, he started to make his way over to her in their bed (while Gabby inquired about what he meant). "What are you talking about?" Matt snickered. "You're using your laptop, which isn't something that you do all that often." Gabby agreed with Matt and smiled at him.

After all, that is the truth. She doesn't use her laptop all that often, but there was a reason why she was on her laptop; and that was due to the fact that she did a couple things, including updating her blog. "So, are you working or just reading?" Shaking her head, Gabby snickered a bit as she most certainly isn't working. "I most certainly am not working, not on my maternity leave." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before walking over to her side of the bed; after which, Matt smiled as he went to set Gabby's plate on her side table. And this prompted Gabby to both close her laptop a bit, while also turning her head to see what her husband brought for their snack; and she had to say that she loves the snack he brought her, as he made her some egg sandwiches. "Oh, egg sandwiches." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as that was exactly what he made for the both of them today.

"I thought that would be something that you'd like to have."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling as he leaned over her and putting his hand on her neck; after which, he kissed her softly. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, and just smiled at him as she put her hand on his face. "I love you too." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before kissing her forehead softly; after which, he stood up and smiled at his girl. "Here, you want me to pass your plate to you?" Gabby agreed with Matt, as that was exactly what she wanted him to do; so, he did just that. He grabbed her plate of food and went ahead to give it to her so that she could eat. "Here you go my beautiful wife." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, while he also leaned over her and proceeded to kiss her; after which, Matt stood up and walked around their bed so that he could climb in. "So, what did you do on your laptop? Or are you going to keep me guessing?" Gabby snickered.

"Matt, you already know what I did; because you got the e-mail."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before moving to climb into bed with the woman he loves; after which, he leaned against his pillow and just smiled as he got comfortable in bed. At the same time, Gabby turned in bed and leaned against her side; however, that was easier said than done, due to the fact that she was still a bit sore at times. "Hey, you okay?" Taking a breath, Gabby nodded. "Yeah, just a bit sore still." Moving to set his plate down on the bed, Matt realize what she needs right now. "Here, I'm going to get you something baby." Turning her head, Gabby looked at the man she loves. "No, Matt, I..." Matt shook his head, as he wasn't hearing that; he was not going to let Gabby say that she was okay, when she's clearly in pain right now. "Gabby, you're in pain." Gabby sighed as she heard Matt say that, before agreeing with him. "I know that I am, but..." Making his way over to bed, Matt sighed this morning.

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