Washington Park: Hank Voight

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He thought he had some time, time before he found out that he was back in town; but it turned out that wasn't going to be the case, as he now spotted him. But that also made his brother wonder, does he want him to stay? "Hey Jay, you want me to stay?"  Turning his head to look at his brother, Jay agreed as that was something he needed. "Yes, please. I would rather have someone here with me as a witness in case this goes down badly." Will agreed with his brother as he said that, deciding to stay here with him. "Here, let's let Max out at least." Jay agreed, before turning around to look at Max in the cage. "Hey bud, you want to get out?" Opening the cage, Jay smiled as he went to let Max out; and boy was he going to help, due to the fact that his leach was six feet long. "Six feet long leach." Jay laughed and agreed with his brother as he let Max out a bit. "Jay are you..." Jay just looked at Hank, before stopping him.

"Okay, six feet; remember Hank, six feet."

Hank agreed with his son-in-law as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Wait, your..." Will just looked at Hank. "We live in the same building, and we've been isolating together since the start of the pandemic. Natalie hangs out with Alex when I'm at work." Hank agreed with Will as he said that, seeing that was the case. "Okay." Hank then looked at Jay. "Okay, so what are you doing here? I thought you said that you weren't moving back? Wait, did the company shut down? Great, I can get you..." Jay then proceeded to put his hand up. "Okay, slow down..." Hank agreed. "First of all, the company did not shut down. I am still employed at Casey Police, and I am not returning to Intelligence; and neither is Alex, as we are both done with police work." Hank gulped and agreed with Jay. "Now, we weren't going to tell you we were back yet, but now you know." Hank agreed. "Are you guys okay, how are the kids?"

Taking a breath, Jay sighed. "First, you don't ask about the kids...as I am still mad at you, for how Alex had to give birth." Hank agreed with Jay as he said that. "I want to remind you that at Christmas, I was doing it for the sake of my children and wife; I didn't want you there, and it turned out to be a disaster!" Hank agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware that was the case. "So, here's the thing. I still don't trust you near my family, because of what you've done to me...and what we've learned in the past few months." Hank was confused. "What are you talking about?" Jay sighed. "First of all, my PTSD got worse because of you...thanks a lot dad!" Hank gulped as he heard Jay say that. "God, no. Because..." Jay agreed with Hank as he said that. "And then, we learned that Alex can't have kids anymore!" Hank looked at his son-in-law as he said that. "Oh no, wait you mean..." Jay agreed with Hank as he said that, sighing.

"Hank, they had to tie her chords to save her life. She was bleeding out."

Hank was shocked, while Jay nodded; meanwhile, he also turned to look at Will. "Is this..." Will agreed. "Yes." Hank was just horrified. "Jay, I'm..." Jay just looked at Hank. "Hank, we already talked about this. But you seemed to forget, which is why I am reminding you that we aren't in a good place yet. Heck, I was trying to avoid running into you for this exact reason; as I am not ready to see you." Hank agreed. "Okay, then what about Alex..." Jay was shocked. "Excuse me? What did you just ask me? For you to see my wife, that you almost killed when I can barely see you? Uhm, no sir. That scares me even more than just being the room with you. The two of you in the same room, yeah that petrifies me. So no, that isn't happening Hank." Hank agreed with Jay as he said that. "Hank, you are not welcome around here at the moment, and you are not to reach out to us until we're ready to talk to you." Hank agreed with Jay.

After which, he took a breath. "Can I at least ask if you guys are staying health?" Jay agreed with Hank, as they are. "We're isolating, and we're safe. The kids are all good and have a clean bill of health; we're doing better, and just having fun with each other at the moment. But we are just not ready to see you." Hank understood with Jay as he said that, while also feeling Max get close to him. "Hey buddy." Bending down, Hank went to rub his head. "Hank..." Hank then looked at Jay. "He's working." Jay then pulled back on Max's leach. "Right, sorry." Jay agreed with Hank as he said that. "He's out here, due to the fact that he's working. But listen. I am telling you right now that you aren't to come here. And I will explain why. Will, go be with Natalie. I got it now." Will agreed with his brother. "Say hi to Alex and the kids for me." Jay agreed with Will, before he ran away. "Say hi to Natalie for me." Will agreed, ready to do that.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now