The Casey Family Blog: A Long Overdue Update

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Hi Readers: Now, if the wasn't a really nice flashback? It just so happened to also be my longest chapter, coming in at over 8,000 words. Well, that's probably due to the fact that it was mostly a combination of a couple chapters. But now, I am going to go back to real time; well, somewhat. The truth is....I'm not there yet, as I am first going to update Gabby's Blog. Hope you guys like the update.

March 10, 2020 – Hello loyal readers. I'm sorry that this update has taken so long to come out, but I just haven't been able to get posts out to you guys as often as I would like to; but after all, our lives have been quite hectic and crazy lately. But I'm pretty sure that you guys already know all of that, and if you don't; then I'm surprised, as it's been splashed all over the news. Every single moment of drama that's happened in our lives lately has been in the news, and I am not the biggest fan of it. Especially when, in my opinion, you aren't getting the whole story; heck, even when our company releases a statement on our behalf you aren't getting the full story. And that's due to the fact that they put a spin on it, both the media and the company do. And that's why I decided to write this update on my blog, so that I can control the narrative and make sure that only the things that me and my husband want to get out make it out into the world; but first, I want to start with something else. Something that I really need to do, because it's really important to me.

Before I begin this post, I want to thank some people. First, I want to thank all the hospital staff who were so kind to us in helping us take care of our children...both times. The first time this past April, when we had the boys. And then from December to March, when we had the girls. First, I want to thank Dr. Natalie Halstead; she truly was our hero in a time of need, as she knew how to talk to us. And that's due to the fact that she's our friend, and just knew exactly what we needed. I also want to thank Dr. Jeff Clarke, another friend of ours who also works for the company as he's both a veteran and a former firefighter; he checked in on us on a regular basis, and he made us feel like we weren't alone in the whole thing, because we weren't alone in it. Me and Matt had each other, and we had our family to help us. And that truly was a blessing, as it always made me happy when I got a chance to spend time with our family; with the exception of Ms. Stella Kidd, as we still aren't in the best place with each other. And it's why we're not talking.

But I do also want to thank Kelly Severide for being our go between, because I think that things are going to be getting better the further away from the event; and that means that we'll be able to hang out more, once it's safe of course. Because on thing I know, is that I do not want to go back to the hospital anytime soon. Not when I spent a quarter of the year in the hospital. We spend 11 days with the boys, and then just a bit more than three months with the girls; which brings us to a quarter of the year in the hospital .But that's okay, because our children are health; thanks to Natalie and Jeff. And of course, all the other doctors and nurses that work there like Doctors William Halstead, and Ethan Choi; as well as nurse April Sexton-Choi. And yes, you heard that right: April Sexton-Choi. Not sure what her new last name is, but she's a newlywed to her long-time boyfriend Dr. Ethan Choi, who just so happens to also work for us at CHP Innovations. And yes, that is part of our company. You see, we've done a restructuring of late; and I am not changing it.

Well, at least not unless I mention a company; like my own apparel company, which is no longer named ELLA Apparel. But rather, it's name is Casey Apparel like the rest of the company. And that just makes me happy, because it allows me to work under my own name. I love my last name, and I am so proud that I get to represent the Casey name; plus, my line is the one that's the most profitable of any of the company's products at the moment and I should've done that a while back. But now that I've done it, If eel like it was something that I should've done a long time ago. In fact, I've recently remembered something about a past conversation that I had with my husband while we were still on our cross-country road trip (see the early parts of the blog). And one of those conversations were about my last name, and how I've yet to take his last name (I have now). And that was due to the fact that I didn't want to take it when we didn't have children; but now that we do have kids, it's so nice that we all share a last name. It just sounds right.

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