December Thirteenth, Part 2

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Halstead Residence, Farmers Rd – He just finished with a video conference call with the NYPD-SVU Squad to get some more information for the SVU Course that the company is creating, with their assistance; and based on how much he just spoke to Benson and Tutuola about what he needs to include in the course, he knows that this truly is a big task. But he also knows that it's a task that he and Alex can handle together. He just hopes that Matt knows he still does plan on working even though he's on semi-paternity leave; and that's all due to the fact that he needs to take some time off. But what he didn't expect, was for him to call him this morning; because it was as if he knew that he was working, and he was wondering whether he was monitoring his account.

"Okay, if you're calling to tell me that you're monitoring my account while you're in the hospital, then I am going to be really freaked out."

Laughing as he heard Jay say that, Matt went to calm him down. "In what spare time, last time I checked I have three kids in the hospital and a wife." Jay agreed with Matt as he said that, while leaning back in his chair. "Then what do I owe the pleasure of this call from my friend this morning." Matt sighed as Jay asked him that question. "I'm not sure if you're aware, but me and Kelly have had a falling out of late." Jay agreed with Matt as he said that. "Oh, me and Alex know; we got an earful from him yesterday when they came over for supper, and we spoke about it last night just the two of us." Matt sighed as he heard Jay say that. "Do I even want to know what he said?" Jay agreed. "Kelly and Stella understand after we spoke about it, and they are just going to lay low for now."

To say that Matt was shocked after hearing that would be an understatement, as he thought that he was hearing things. "Sorry, did you just say what I thought you said? Or am I hearing things?" Jay laughed as he heard Matt say that, before going to grab his AirPods. After which, he proceeded to put them in his ears so that he could continue to work while speaking to Matt. "I know, it was shocking to hear as well. But I think we're all just trying to figure things out, so that we can all be friends again when you and your kids are out of the hospital. Speaking of which, how are Gabby, Bella, Sofia, and Noah?" Matt smiled. "Gabby's recovering nicely. Bella and Sofia are great, and Noah's doing fine; Matteo's happy to be here with us now." Jay was a bit surprised, as he didn't know that part.

"I had no idea that Matteo was there with you guys, is he hurt like Noah?"

Matt could hear the worry in his voice and went to reassure his fellow PTSD patient that Matteo was okay. "Oh, Matteo's absolutely fine; we just wanted to have him here with us, as we're not doing anything. And we just want to be together as a family right now." Jay agreed with his friend as he said that, as he can definitely understand wanting that. "If I were in your shoes while we were in the hospital with Michael and Olivia, then I would be saying the same thing." Matt smiled as he heard Jay talk about his children. "How are they? What are they now, two and a half months?" Jay agreed with Matt as he asked him whether they were two and a half months now, which they most certainly are. "I still can't believe we're less than two weeks away from Christmas, and that my tree's up."

Matt agreed with Jay, before taking a breath, which made Jay realize that he shouldn't have said that. "I'm so sorry Matt, I really didn't even think. I really mean that, and please accept my apology." Matt agreed with Jay. "I know that Jay, just take a breath and relax." Jay sighed. "I guess my happiness for my kids' first Christmas, it just got the best of me." Matt agreed. "Jay, I mean it. I'm okay. As long as my wife and kids are okay on Christmas, then I am going to be a happy man." Jay agreed with Matt, clearly able to hear that was the case in his voice. "Well, I'm glad. So, what are you calling for?" Matt sighed. "Oh, just me waiting a bit. Doing bloodwork to get a new PTSD prescription." Jay sighed as he heard Matt say that, as he had a bad feeling that was going to happen after this.

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