FLASHBACK: Road Trip, Day 1

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Hi Readers: After the event of the last chapter, I had an idea as to what I want to do prior to adding more content that would advance the story. And that would be to go back in time and revisit a chapter, which I might make a few changes to. Hope you like this chapter.

The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Gabby and Matt were currently in the midst of sitting together in the booth of their RV, with her ready to talk to her husband about what's on her mind; but she just hasn't brought it up to Matt yet, as she's a bit nervous over what he's going to say. And she means it, as she's deathly afraid of what the man she loves is going to say. She just doesn't want him to think that she's going to obsess about it, but she will; they both know that. She knows that it's going to happen, because it's been on her mind for too long. And that would be the fact that she just wants to make him a father. And Matt could clearly see that was on her mind, due to the fact that she's barely ate (or even touched) the food that they got at Subway. So, he decided to do something about that; and that would be to talk to his wife.

"Hey, what's wrong baby? You've barely ate."

Taking a breath as she looked up at Matt, Gabby just bit her lip before knowing in her heart (and head) that she can't just say nothing is bothering her; both due to the fact that it's completely against what she promised Matt she'd do for him, which is to be honest to him when he asks her questions. And in order to be honest with him, that means that she needs to answer his questions honestly; and she needs to tell him what's on her mind. That way, he can help her through the problems that are currently on her mind. "I'm sorry, it just feels like things are changing so fast." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, already well aware of just what she was talking about; and that would be the fact that he just changed his mind when it came to her being pregnant with their child, a huge 180.

But at the same time, it shouldn't be scary; due to the fact that it's everything that she's ever wanted, which is why Matt is perplexed when it comes to why she would be scared at the moment. "Gabby why are you scared when this is everything that you've ever wanted? You've wanted to get pregnant with our child. So, I guess I'm just a bit perplexed at the moment." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case; I mean, she shouldn't be scared. Rather, she should be thrilled over the fact that Matt wants her to get pregnant now; as it means that they're finally on the same page, and they both want the same things in life. They both want to get pregnant, and they both want to have a baby with each other. But still, there's just a lot on your mind.

"I guess, what I'm mostly scared about...it's not the hypothetical pregnancy, but the reaction I'll get from you."

Matt soon realized exactly what his wife was thinking about, and that will be his reaction to the fact that she's pregnant; pregnant while she has an aneurysm, which could kill her due to the fact that she's pregnant. "Matt, I need to be prepared. At least, I would like to be prepared as much as I can. I mean, I know that you can't predict your reaction to the news; but I just..." Reaching out for her hand, Matt proceeded to grab Gabby's hand and stroked it with his thumb as a way to calm her down and just get her to breathe. "Hey, take a breath and take it easy; okay baby?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that was exactly what she needed to do at the moment. She needs to take it easy and relax, as this is not productive; her stressing about this is bad for her.

And that was why Matt was going to suggest something that may help her. "Listen, I can already tell that you're not going to want to leave right away when we're done eating; because you'd rather take a breather and talk about this, right?" Gabby agreed with Matt, as that's exactly what she wants to do. "Right." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before stroking her hand with his thumb once more. "Then how about this? Let's finish eating, then we can go to park the RV somewhere and lay down in the back for a bit." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before deciding to get up; after which, he walked over to him and went to sit down in his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck in the process, Gabby smiled as she proceeded to kiss the man she loves softly.

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