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"Sorry, but did you just say that you blame yourself for not having protected me?" -Alex Halstead

That was the topic of conversation now, whether her loving husband blamed himself for not having protected her ahead of her giving birth; because that was not something that she wanted to hear her husband tell her, especially when he was blameless in the situation. Rather, he was just as much of a victim as she was; especially when it came to the PTSD that it caused him. So, she really didn't want to hear this. "Jay, please. Talk to me and tell me that isn't how you feel." Jay sighed as he heard Alex ask him that, but unfortunately he couldn't do that; as that was exactly how he felt, he felt like he was to blame a bit. "Alex, how can I not blame myself a bit when it comes to me not having protected you? I'm your husband, and it's my job." Alex agreed, before sighing.

After which, she grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes (while also taking a bite of breakfast). "Jay, I love you; and I know that you protecting me is part of your job, but you had no reason to protect me from Hank. You had every right to let your guard down with him, because he's the man that we should trust more than anybody with my health and safety; because the last thing that we'd ever expect him to do was hurt me." Jay agreed with his wife as she said that, before going to wrap his arm around her; after which, he leaned in and kissed her forehead softly. After all, that was exactly what he needed to hear at the moment. He needed to hear that he wasn't at fault in her mind. "Plus, I could never blame you Jay." Jay nodded, and smiled at the woman he loves this morning.

After which, he bent down and proceeded to kiss Alex once more; that was, until they were disturbed by Will. "Oh, sorry man." Taking a breath as he heard his brother, Jay looked at him. "What's up?" Will sighed. "I just checked the traffic, and there's a huge accident on the highway from here to the office; so, I think it'd be best if we avoid it. So that means that we need to leave earlier and take the back roads." Taking a breath as he heard his brother say that. "Okay, I'll be right out." Will agreed with Jay as he said that. "Sorry again." Jay shook his head. "No, you did the right thing. We can't be late." Will nodded, before walking away; after which, Jay turned his head and smiled as he looked at Alex. After which, he got up and smiled as he bent down and kissed the woman he loves softly.

"I love you, and I am going to be back this afternoon okay?"

Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that he'll be back this afternoon, as that's something that she already knew. "I had a feeling that was when you were going to be back." Jay smirked as he bent down and then proceeded to kiss Alex softly one last time, because that was exactly what they both wanted. "Not that you can really keep me away, because I love you more than anything in the entire world." Alex laughed as she looked at Jay, staring into his eyes one last time; but at the same time, she looked at Will and saw that he was getting a bit impatient when it came to the two of them not breaking it up. "Baby, I think that you need to go as your brother is waiting for you and staring at us with shame." Jay sighed as he turned his head, and just looked at his brother (who was annoying).

"I swear, you really are a buzz kill. Go say goodbye to your own wife."

Will agreed with Jay as he said that, before walking away so that he can do just that; at the same time, Jay smirked as he turned his head once more and bent down to kiss the woman he loves softly. After which, he got up and smiled as he proceeded to walk away to check on the twins. "So, just curious; am I leaving Max here?" Alex agreed. "Leave him here, as Natalie is here." Jay agreed with Alex, before smiling as he walked up to the twins in their cribs; after which, he bent down and proceeded to kiss each of their foreheads this morning. "I love you both so much, and daddy will be back later." Smiling as she heard Jay say that, Alex looked at the man she loves; after which, Jay got up and turned around to face his beautiful wife. And that was when he decided that she needed one more.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now