The Press Releases

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Hi Readers: Before we begin the update for today, I just want to bring together some of the things from the previous chapter; more specifically, I want to bring together all of the press releases that are going out so that we can find them easier. Enjoy this quick update, ahead of Chapter 279 (which will also be posted today); because we both know this is not enough for one day.

Also note that I have seen some errors in the previous chapter while writing the press release. I have corrected them in this chapter but will not be returning to the previous chapter to fix them. Thanks again for reading.

The Office of Matthew Casey, Chairman and CEO
The Office of Gabriela Casey, Vice-Chairwoman and Deputy CEO
The Office of Rafael Solano, Interim Chairman and CEO
The Office of Christie Casey, Interim Vice-Chairwoman and Deputy CEO

The Office of the Chairman and CEO would like to proudly announce that, in his absence, the following executives are to lead the company whilst Mr. Casey is on paternity leave for the sake of his newborn daughters. Taking his place as Interim Chairman and CEO will be Mr. Rafael Solano, Mr. Casey's Principal Deputy Chief Executive Officer-at-Large; he shall be the Interim Chairman and CEO for the duration of the hospitalization. Meanwhile, Ms. Christie Casey, Mr. Casey's sister shall be the Interim Vice-Chairwoman and Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Casey Creations (formerly known as ELLA Creations); this is to assist Mr. Solano in having an extra hand in the Office of the CEO, and to ensure that the division is run in a manner in which Ms. Casey would prefer it to be run. And in her opinion (as the founder of Casey Creations), Ms. Casey is best suited to be the leader Casey Creations needs at the moment.

As noted above, it is hereby announced that the division previously known as ELLA Creations shall from this day forward be known as Casey Creations; this is to bring our apparel brand in line with the rest of the company's Casey branding (subject to copyright and patent applications and approvals). This rebranding shall take time, but we shall hereby refer to the company as Casey Creations for the sake of press releases; and to signify just who is in charge of the division, as that would be Ms. Gabriela Casey...who is proud of her last name; and is proud to use it in business, and in daily life. Rebranding shall begin forthwith, and will continue until all branding is completed, with more announcements to come in the future about the future of Casey Creations, and the brand's new direction.

Other than those listed above (regarding the temporary leadership), the Chairman and Vice-Chairwoman do hereby announce with regret that Ms. Stella Severide is suspended from her position as Chief Creative Officer for the time being. In the interim, Ms. Casey has the pleasure of announcing the appointment of Ms. Jane Solano to be the interim Chief Creative Officer for Casey Creations until the relationship between Ms. Casey and Ms. Severide is repaired; further announcements in the future may come regarding her place and position in the company. However, it is hereby ordered that she retain her position as co-founder and designer in the company.

The Office of the Chairman and CEO please asks for privacy in this time of health emergencies, which are affecting multiple members of his immediate family; with his wife, son, and two daughters all currently hospitalized for the time being. As Mr. Casey has a lot on his mind, he will therefore ask that you give him the time to concentrate on his family until they are in a better place without any press intrusion. Any and all questions shall be directed towards Ms. Christie Casey; however, we can confirm that Master Noah Casey has been admitted to the hospital as a precaution, but the reasons for which this was done shall not be disclosed other than to family.

With regards to the health of Ms. Casey, as well as Miss Bella, and Miss Sofia; we can inform the press that the three of them are recovering and are doing better each and every day. Whilst at the same time, the Chairman, the Vice-Chairwoman, as well as the Interim Vice-Chairwoman request on behalf of the family that you please allow us to have privacy at this time; and that the family not be disturbed right now. After all, we would not like to have a repeat of the situation which occurred this previous April. Any such intrusions into this private family time will lead to serious considerations of legal action towards any such press who does so.

Matthew Casey, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Gabriela Casey, Vice-Chairwoman, President, and Deputy CEO of Casey Creations
Christie Casey, Interim Vice-Chairwoman, President, and Deputy CEO of Casey Creations
Rafael Solano, Interim Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


The Office of Antonio Dawson, President, and Deputy CEO of Casey Police
On behalf of The Dawson Family; Mr. and Ms. Jay Halstead; and Drs. William and Natalie Halstead

RE: The Press Release from the Offices of Matthew, Gabriela, and Christie Casey, as well as the Office of Rafael Solano
Echoing the pleas made by the company, as made by the Office of the Chairman and CEO (Mr. Matthew Casey), the Office of the Vice-Chairwoman and Deputy CEO (Ms. Gabriela Casey), the Office of the Interim Chairwoman and CEO (Mr. Rafael Solano), and the Office of the Interim Vice-Chairwoman and Deputy CEO (Ms. Christie Casey); Mr. Antonio Dawson, on behalf of the Dawson Family, Mr. and Ms. Jay Halstead, and Drs. William and Natalie Halstead; Mr. Antonio Dawson would please like to ask for your co-operation and patience as the family comes to term with the gravity and scope of the situation that the family now find themselves in.

Just like the last time Ms. Casey gave birth, this is a hard time on our entire family; as well as on the lives of our close friends, whom we see as our extended family. Therefore, we as a family do ask that the media and the outside world please respect the privacy of Mr. and Ms. Casey, as well as their children, as they are currently in the hospital. Our family are not celebrities and are instead ordinary people who are just trying to make a difference in this world. And it is with this statement, that I, Antonio Dawson, as well as all those listed above do hereby send our love and support to Mr. and Ms. Casey, as well as their children during this hard time. We love and support you and are praying for you each and every day; may you feel better and feel renewed after this long ordeal.

At the same time, we would also like to make it be known that we also support however our family wishes to deal with the woman who began this entire situation. After all, undo no circumstances can we condone or forgive the actions that were committed upon Ms. Casey by Ms. Stella Severide; and we therefore would like to express our gratitude and relief to all of the members of the Board of Directors who (in our opinion) made the correct decision with regards to the suspension of Ms. Stella Severide from her position. She is the reason that our family has to deal with this, and we do not believe that she should be in a place where she can be anywhere near our family for the moment; but that doesn't mean that we wish Ms. Stella Severide any harm, including from the press.

As noted above, this is not the only time that our family has had to go through this; as last time Ms. Casey had to give birth, she had to go through a similar situation with the media. And with regards to them, we would like to advise them that this is the last statement that the family will be making with regards to the situation that Mr. and Ms. Casey (as well as their children) find themselves in; unless and until it is so released by the Office of the Chairman and CEO himself, or through the Office of Mr. Dawson on his orders (should the need arise). Thank you very much for your time, and we all hope that you can understatement that this is not a time for joking; and that this is a very serious health matter, which means that this is personal.

Thank you once more, and we please ask that you send your thoughts and prayers to the family.

Mr. Antonio Dawson: President, and Deputy CEO of Casey Police
Ramon, Camila, Eva, and Diego Dawson; the Dawson Family
Mr. Jay Halstead: Senior EVP and COO of Casey Police
Ms. Alex Halstead: Advisor to Casey Police and Designer for Casey Creations
Dr. William Halstead: VP and COO of Casey Therapy Services
Dr. Natalie Halstead: VP and COO of The Casey Health Clinic

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