NOTE TO READERS: Updates and Changes

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Hi Readers: I want to let you know that this is not an update to the story, but that will come next. Right now, I just need to give you guys an update on a bunch of things related to the story. I know, more changes right. Well, I hope you like them and are okay with that. Now, let's explain to you the changes that I am going to make; that way, I can get back to the story this evening. Thanks again.

Change of Home:
First, I have recently found a really nice place that I would rather have Matt and Gabby live in, but it is not where you've seen it previously. Rather, it's going to change...and I hope that you guys are okay with that. Now, let me explain what I mean. Previously, the house was right down the street from Molly's. But when I write, I use real houses. And I was just searching for some homes to use for the story, as I need to find one for another storyline; and I found this really nice place, which I would really enjoy having Matt and Gabby live in. And while it is further away from the city than originally expected, I think that most certainly is something that they need for Matt's sake, as well as for the sake of his health, and the safety of their family. Now, I am not sure how I am going to change it all in the previous there may be some changes that I need to do if I see them in the future (and I will edit them out).

But if I don't see them, and therefore don't change them; then I hope you understand that it's due to the fact that I haven't seen them yet and haven't taken the time to change them as I want to keep writing the story. And I hope that you guys are okay with that, as we want to have more quality content out to you guys as soon as possible. And that's exactly what I plan on doing for you guys tonight. Giving you more quality content, that will make you guys very happy when it comes time to me writing more of this story.

Addition of Characters:
As you saw in the last chapter, I have brought over another couple from Hawaii; more specifically, I have brought over Ryan and Sarah Miller from Hawaii. And that's due to the fact that I liked having that type of a couple. A couple whom mare young, and madly in love with each other. A couple who are the future of the company, and who can give me more changes to explore storylines that I may not be able to explore with existing One Chicago characters; as it would be out of character for them, and just be too far fetched for you to believe. Because that's something that I want to make sure I do. I want to make sure that I stay true to the characters' personalities, rather than make them go way off course; like some of the writers have done to the characters, most notably Matt and Severide. I'm sorry, but I Just need to call it out when I see it; the characters have really changed, and I'm not a fan. But, I hope to change them back.

However, my plans do not involve me bringing over all the characters from Hawaii; at least not yet, as I only want to bring a couple over that I really want to cover. And as I said above, that only involves Ryan and Sarah Miller at moment. However, I am going to say this for people who may be fans of Jane and Rafael Solano; they unfortunately are not going to be coming to Chicago, as they have roles that I like them in at the Hawaii Office. I hope you guys understand, and still continue to read the story regardless of that fact.

Future Storylines with Existing Characters:
These are still in the works, as I am not sure just how I am going to bring them in yet; especially when I am moving them far away from the city, and just what this even means for the travel. But I do know that if there's a will, then there's a way. And I have already changed some things, like how Matt and Gabby now need to drive to Molly's (I made that change in the Molly's chapter). Plus, I have actually come to realize that this is really good for them; due to the fact that it means that they have more room for Andy, which is what they need when they have a dog. Yes, they can do it in the city; but it's not as easy. However, that doesn't mean that I plan on moving Jay and Alex anytime soon, due to the fact that I like where they are. But we'll see if that changes in the future, based on how things go with her dad. If things get too rough, then I can always change where they live; and that's another thing I want to have.

I want to have a city where I can find homes for other characters, should they need to move away from Chicago; and that's exactly what me relocating here allows me to do. It gives me a new home base, where I can create a second storyline which I most definitely enjoy. I just hope I remember the new layout of the home. And if you guys ever spot something in a previous chapter that I need to change, please send me a message and I will make sure to do just that. But for now, I am going back to the story with Ryan & Sarah.

Quick Acknowledgement:
But before I continue, I want to just thank my readers for staying with me during this entire story; I know that it's really long, and things can easily get complicated. Yet at the same time, we both know that I love to just take care of these things; I love to write for you guys, and I am so proud of what's happened with my stories. I can truly say that I see a lot of future storylines now that I am changing this up, and I can't wait to see where this new change takes us. But without further ado, I'm going to get back to the story. 

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