Hank, I Need You to Listen

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Hi Readers: Hope you guys are liking the story today. But first, I want to say that you guys might have seen a new story I tried (again). And I know that I should stop doing this to you guys, but I decided against writing it as I wasn't getting it and just got lost. So, I am just going to concentrate on this one. Now, let's get back to the Halsteads this evening for my final chapter.

Sitting at the counter as her father made them some pancakes, Alex took a breath as she drank her coffee this morning while getting ready to speak to her father. "So, you going to apologize?" Looking up at Alex as he made some breakfast, Hank took a breath. "Of course, I am Alex. I mean it too." Alex just looked at her father as he said that. "Hank, we both know that this is starting to get ridiculous. And what Jay said is right, you're the twins' only grandparent left. And I can't have you making my life hell when it comes to all your antics." Hank sighed and agreed with Alex. "I know, and I really hate that." Hank then looked at his daughter. "Can I ask how you're doing after you gave birth? Jay said that you've been..." Alex just looked at her dad as he said that. "DID JAY REALLY TALK ABOUT OUR SEX LIFE?" Hearing that from upstairs, Jay yelled down. "SORRY BABY!" Alex agreed with Jay as he said that. "Massage!" Jay agreed with Alex as she said that. "Deal." Hank looked at his daughter as she said that. "Seriously, that easy?" Alex just snickered.

"Hank, shut your mouth before you ask anything you don't want to know." Hank was a bit confused when he heard Alex say that, before realizing that she was referring to something sexual. "OH." Alex agreed with her father as he said that, as that was exactly what she was talking about. She was talking about what she was wearing for her husband, even though she told him to just wear his sweats today. "But seriously Hank. I don't care if Jay already spoke to you about this...I am going to talk to you about it too, because I really need to get it in your head. Now listen, we need to talk...and we need to get this over with okay?" Hank agreed. "Yeah, I guess we do need to talk." Alex agreed with Hank. "Hank, let me just start by saying this. This is the last time we talk about this, okay?" Hank was a bit confused as he heard Alex say that. "And what would that be?" Alex sighed as she looked at her father. "Where me and Jay live." Hank sighed as he heard Alex say that. "Let me guess, I'm really starting to frustrate you; don't you?" Alex sighed and agreed.

"Hank, listen. And when I say listen, I really mean listen." Voight agreed with his daughter as she asked him to listen. "Can I still cook?" Alex agreed with Hank as he asked her whether he can still cook, as he most definitely can. "Just don't talk right now and let me just say what I need to say." Hank agreed with Alex as she said that, ready to do just that for his daughter. After all, she seems stressed.


Taking a breath as she got ready to speak to Hank this morning, Alex proceeded to take a sip of her coffee this morning; after which, she looked at her dad. "Hank, I need to talk to you about Jay's PTSD." Hank just looked at Alex as she said that. "Yeah, Jay mentioned it." Alex agreed with Hank as he said that. "Well, I'm going to tell you my side of the story, okay? And for what it's worth, I did hear everything that Jay said. Some of those things, I didn't know entirely; but I know them now, and that's a lot to handle." Hank just agreed with his daughter as she said that, clearly able to see that this is a lot to handle. "I can see that being the case." Alex agreed with her dad as he said that, before taking a breath and taking another sip of her coffee. "And Hank, I also know that Jay must've mentioned that I might have PTSD too." Hank agreed with Alex, before taking a breath. "I am so sorry that's the case Alex." Alex nodded. "You should be, it's your fault that we find ourselves in this mess." Hank took a breath and agreed with his daughter.

After all, there's nothing that he can say to deny that it was the truth. He even know that was the reason why she went into premature labor, and that was something that he still regrets; especially after hearing Jay say that he could've killed Alex, and his grandchildren. "Hank, when Jay says that you could've killed me and the kids; he's not kidding. Hank, they had to restart my heart while I was in the delivery room." Hank agreed with Alex as she said that. "And Hank, we both know that I can trace that back from you. Hank, you sent me into premature labor; and I could've died without meeting my children, the children that I carried in me. The children whom I gave birth to. And that's still something that I struggle with, the fear of having never met my handsome son Michael, and my beautiful daughter Olivia. And Hank, you already stole enough from them. They didn't get to do skin-to-skin with me for months." Hank took a breath as he heard Alex say that, well aware that was the case. "And I hate that. Hank, you took the bonding time away from me."

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