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Office of Rafael Solano, 21st Floor – To say that Rafael was a bit nervous today would be an understatement, as he was going to be speaking as the temporary head of the company for the first time; something that he really didn't think that he'd have to do. After all, this is something that he never does as the Principal Deputy Chief Executive Officer-at-Large. Rather, he mostly works in the background and co-ordinates between all of the different divisions on the company on Mr. Casey's behalf. But now, he was working as the Acting Chairman and CEO; and that was nerve-wracking, which other people could clearly see. One of them being the Interim Vice-Chairwoman and Interim Deputy CEO for Casey Creations, Ms. Christie Casey; and she just hoped that he knew that he had help.

"I hope you know that you aren't doing this on your own Rafael, and that you have help if you want it."

Turning his head, Rafael smiled as he looked at Christie this morning. "Good morning Christie." Christie smiled as she looked at Rafael, seeing that he was currently in the midst of reading over the statement that he was going to be making today. "Let me guess, you're nervous." Sighing, Rafael agreed with Ms. Casey as she asked him whether he was nervous. "How could you tell?" Christie laughed. "Because you're more concentrated on the speech than you are drinking some water, which is something that your wife asked me to tell you to do." Rafael agreed with Christie as she said that, a bit confused as to when she saw Jane. "When did you see Jane this morning?" Christie smiled. "I just had a meeting with the staff at Casey Creations and told them I was interim CEO." Rafael agreed.

"And how did they take that news?"

Christie sighed as she looked at the chairs in his office, before trying to get him to ask her to sit down, which Rafael soon did, by pointing to a chair. After which, she walked over to them and proceeded to sit down. "Technically, I don't need to offer you an opportunity to sit on the chairs when you own 5% of each of them." Thinking about that, Christie agreed with Rafael as she got comfortable here in the chair. "So, how are you doing right now?" Sighing as he looked at her, Rafael just hoped that he could be honest with her. "Can I be honest?" Christie agreed with Rafael as he asked her whether he can be honest with her, as he most certainly can. "Rafael, of course you can be honest with me. That's exactly what you need to do right now." Rafael agreed.

After which, he took the chance to do just that; to be honest with his other boss. "The truth is, I am just worried that I'm going to screw something up, and loose business for us." Christie shook her head. "Rafael, I do not think that's something that you will ever have to worry about; and that's due to the fact that my brother knows that this is a lot, especially since he's done it." Rafael agreed with Christie as she said that, well aware that was the case. "He's done it with twins and a pregnant wife, so I am positive that you can do it as well." Raf sighed, before adding on. "Don't forget the fact that he also has PTSD and a dog to take care of." Christie agreed, before smiling. "God, I swear. My daughter wants me to get her a dog now. A dog she can actually play with." Rafael agreed again.

After all, she can't play with Andy due to the fact that he's her uncle's service dog. "How is he doing at the hospital? He good with the twins?" Christie agreed. "He is, and they are all just taking it easy." Rafael agreed. "And that includes Noah, I spoke to your brother today but what are you thinking?" Christie sighed. "I am not sure, as I am trying not to worry about it too much; all I know is that it just breaks my heart to have to see my brother go through this." Rafael took a breath, before thinking of something. "Christie, can I ask you something then?" Christie agreed with Rafael as he asked her whether he can ask her something. "Always." Rafael agreed, before taking a breath due to the fact that this might be going into territory that was a bit too personal; but he still felt like asking.

"How are you doing right now?"


"How are you doing right now?"

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 3Where stories live. Discover now