Taking Care of It - Part One

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out to you guys. But I had to run some errands today, ahead of me writing. But now, I'm here to write for you guys. A chapter involving another father in our story. And on that note, I want to wish all the Fathers who (maybe) read my story a Happy Father's Day. Now, let's get to the chapter that I get to write for you guys today.

Office of the Interim Chairman and CEO – Taking a breath as he walked around his office on the twenty-first floor of the Casey Headquarters this Wednesday Afternoon, Rafael Solano took a breath as he spoke to his wife; after all, he did need to give her an update on just what was going on here at the office. And that was due to the fact that he was going to be late today, and he wasn't going to be able to have supper with her and Matteo; rather, he was going to have to stay at the office, and work with their boss' sister so that he can take care of the newest crisis that he has to deal with in his position. He just hopes that his wife understands. "Yeah, I can only assume that you already know why I am making this phone call from the office ring now." Jane Villanueva Solano sighed, but she also agreed with her husband; after all, she already had a feeling why he was calling her. And she was going to state the reason.

"Is it related to the story that came out? The one regarding Mr. and Ms. Casey?"

Rafael sighed as Jane asked him whether the reason why he had to stay was related to that story, because it was; that was the entire reason why he had to stay and take care of it for their boss. "Jane, you know that it pains me more than anything than to have to stay away from you and Matteo. You know that I want to be there every night, but this is my job at the moment; and I don't want Mr. Casey to have to deal with it when he needs to concentrate on his family at the moment." Jane agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I definitely understand. I also heard from Luisa that his son was admitted to the hospital." Rafael was shocked as he heard that. "Oh dear, I didn't hear that part. I just hope that he's okay at the end of the day." Jane agreed.

"Heaven knows that the couple already have enough to deal with at the moment."

Rafael agreed with his wife once more, before taking a breath. "Well, I promise to send my best by way of his sister; that's who I'm going to be meeting with as we have supper together." Jane agreed with her husband as he said that, as that was a great way to get the message to the family. "I think that's a good idea. Say hi to Ms. Casey on my behalf, and tell her that I will keep in touch with her if she wants for the ELLA marketing, because I heard that Ms. Severide is suspended?" Rafael agreed with his wife. "I'm going to talk to Mr. Casey in a few days to figure out how we're going to deal with that, as I'm not sure. But for now, maybe just go through me for ELLA Apparel. I will communicate with them at the hospital for the division." Jane agreed with her husband as he said that.

"Not like that's going to be hard, because we see each other every night."

Rafael agreed with Jane as she said that, as that most definitely is the truth. "I promise that I'm going to try and be home before we put Matteo to bed..." Jane stopped her husband as he said that. "I will keep him in our room tonight, and then you can bring him over to his nursery later. How does that sound?" Rafael smiled as he heard Jane say that, as that sounds like a great idea. "Maybe we should start doing that when I work late. We keep him in our room, until I get home; then I can move him to his room to say goodnight?" Jane agreed with her husband as he said that, as that sounds like the best idea. "I love that idea." That's when Rafael heard a knock on his door. "Hey Rafael, our takeout just got here." Rafael agreed as he looked at Ms. Casey. "One minute, wife." Christie agreed.

"I can only assume that's Ms. Casey, and your meeting is starting now?"

Rafael agreed with Jane once more, as that most certainly was the truth; and that also means that he needs to go, and just get to work. "Well, here's the good thing now that she's here; the sooner we get this started, the sooner I can get home to you and Matteo." Jane agreed with Rafael as he said that, as that most certainly is the truth. "Well, if that isn't the truth. Now listen, how about you get to work and have a good supper. Love you." Rafael agreed with Jane as she said that. "Love you and Matteo too." Going to hang up, Rafael put his phone in his pocket while taking a breath; after which, he turned to look at Ms. Casey. "My apologies Ms. Casey." Christie shook her head. "It's okay, you're the acting CEO after all; and please, call me Christie." Rafael agreed with Christie.

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